
From: Christophe Colle <colle_at_krtkg1.rug.ac.be>
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 1996 20:38:54 +0100 (MET)

Dear managers,

We have a couple of 4 gig drives and a TLZ07 tapestreamer. I am quite
confused about the capacity of this tape:

colle_at_krtkg4> file /dev/nrmt0h:
/dev/nrmt0h: character special (9/3) SCSI #0 TLZ07 tape #0 (SCSI ID
#0) errors = 0/6 61000_bpi

The tapes we are using are 90m(=90m x 100cm/m x 1/2.54(cm/inch) = 3543 inch

Using a density of 61000 bpi (bits per inch I presume) results in :
3543 inch x 61000 bits/inch x 1/8 bytes/inch = 26992500 bytes

This means I could backup only 26 Megabytes on this tape. When dumping a
backup to the same tape I can backup more as 2 Gigs, but less 3 Gigs.

My question are quite simple (I hope the answers will be as simple :-)
1) What is wrong in the calculation of the capacity ?
2) I was told that we could dump much more on this tape. Is this true,
and is my system badly configured, or is 2 Gigabyte the maximum capacity
of a 90m tape on a TLZ07 tapestreamer?

Any leads are welcome....

Christophe Colle

     | \ =============================================================
     | \ Colle Christophe Phone: +32-(0)9-2403955
     +---- mail: colle_at_krtkg1.rug.ac.be http://krtkg1.rug.ac.be/~colle
 ----------+ When I'm not in Ghent, Then I'm probably Sailing
  \________| ======= Radiotherapy Department, Ghent =============
Received on Mon Mar 25 1996 - 21:10:17 NZST

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