DU patch for latest wu-ftp available

From: Tom <tom_at_homer.bus.miami.edu>
Date: Wed, 27 Mar 1996 01:59:21 -0500 (EST)

        I have received numerous emails from people, and seen several posts
concerning wuftpd. The latest (well, there is one newer, but I haven't
patched it yet) version of wuftp is 2.4.2 BETA 9. This is the academ
version which is available from ftp.academ.com, which is a modified
version of the orginial version offered by Washington University. I have
patched 2.4.2 beta 9 version so that it works with C2 security on DU. I
have been running this version for several months with no problems. It
has been my experience that some of the 2.4 versions will peridocally
dump core in the root directory if someone kills their connection without
logging out. I have made the source and the latest (well, beta-10 just
came out) version available at:

(The source)

(The patch)

If anyone experiences any problems about the patch, let me know.
Hopefully this will make it easier for many people who would like to make
use of the features of wu-ftp, but don't fill like writing/searching for
a patch. (Sorry for the delay for anyone who has mailed me in the past
several weeks.) If anyone is interested, I suppose I could include a
pre-compiled version for those that want a quick solution, but this is
generally not a good practice.


Tom Leffingwell Office: SBA 211
Systems Manager Office Phone: (305) 284-1771
Network Security Email: tom_at_homer.bus.miami.edu

School of Business
University of Miami
Received on Wed Mar 27 1996 - 08:17:58 NZST

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