SUMMARY : Do I need to install patches for 3.2C on 3.2D ?

From: Eric Wyn Jones (01248-382407) <"Eric>
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 1996 15:16:13 +0000 (GMT)

I wrote :-
Dear managers,
 I've just upgraded a couple of Alphaservers 2100 from Dunix 3.2C to 3.2D
 How do I know which files have been updated ?
 Specifically I had installed the telnetd patch from patch ssrt0367_c032.

 Did this patch make it into 3.2D or do I have to reinstall telnetd from
 the patch kit ?

 Telnetd is not mentioned in the maintenance section of the 3.2D Release
 notes - yet the post upgrade version of telnetd does not match the
 image in the 3.2c patch kit ?

Got following replies ... thank you all !


The inventory files for the individual subsets that were
installed contain the list of files in the subset. The
inventory files are kept in /usr/.smdb., and are simple
text files. You can look at them directory, or use setld
with the -i option to see the files in the subset.

Setld -i by itself will list the installed subsets. The
3.2D upgrade files are probably *35? where the ? is not
a zero (that was 3.2C). Then setld -i on the subset
names will print the inventory for that subset.


If you're worrying about which files have been updated or not, check out the
/var/adm/smlogs directory. Specifically, do a 'sum -r' on the 3.2D telnetd
and compare with the 3.2C patch (I doubt that the patched telnetd made it to
3.2D, but I'm not sure).



Many of the patches from V3.2C did in fact make it into V3.2D, however some
did not - I am not in engineering so I can't speak to the reasons. There is
a patch kit for V3.2D out now - it should contain all of the patches that did
not make it into V3.2D from V3.2C.

Peter Flack
Digital Systems Integration
Received on Thu Mar 28 1996 - 16:55:34 NZST

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