My original question was:
>We are trying centralized backups using Networker, the server is on
>an NT host. Does anyone know if Networker Single Server has enough
>"client" to allow the NT box control the backup session?
Thanks much to:
o Paul E Rockwell
o Jeffery Ollie
They both stated it is enough and suggested starting the proper daemon. I
did and it works fine.
Here are their responses:
Yes, it does. The entire NSR Digital UNIX client kit is a part of the NSR
sincleserver software kit.
Licensing of the Digital UNIX client is done via enablers and passcodes
that you install on the NT server (just like you would any other client
of the NT server). No licensing is installed on the Digital UNIX system when
it's the client of another NSR server.
You need to make sure that nsrexecd is running on the Digital
UNIX system - in fact, that's the only piece that you need up and running.
nsrd doesn't have to be up.
+---------------------------+ Paul E. Rockwell
| | | | | | | | Northeast Region SBU Technical Support
| d | i | g | i | t | a | l | Digital Equipment Corporation
| | | | | | | | 500 Enterprise Drive
+---------------------------+ Rocky Hill, CT 06067 USA Internet:
Telephone: (860) 258-5022
Yes it does. You just need to make sure that /usr/bin/nsrexecd is
running on the client systems. I've modified /sbin/init.d/nsrd so
that it starts nsrexecd instead of nsrd which is the server daemon.
I've tacked on my copy of /sbin/init.d/nsrd.
Jeffrey C. Ollie
Iowa Network Services System Administrator
export PATH
case $1 in
# Allows portmap to start before the NetWorker server
if /bin/ps -e | grep portmap > /dev/null
echo nsrd portmap check passed >/dev/console
[ -f /usr/sbin/portmap ] && /usr/sbin/portmap
# Start NetWorker client after system reboot
if [ -f /usr/bin/nsrexecd ]
( /usr/bin/nsrexecd; sleep 2 ) >/dev/console 2>&1
# Shutdown NetWorker server
if [ -f /bin/nsr_shutdown ]
echo Stopping NetWorker daemons >/dev/console
/bin/nsr_shutdown -a -q& >/dev/console 2>&1
echo nsr_shutdown -a -q >/dev/console
echo init.d/nsrd: $1 ignored >/dev/console
Charlie McCarty (612) 742 6430
Cargill Research (612) 742 7909 fax
Received on Fri Mar 29 1996 - 00:36:46 NZST