I have about 20 Xterminals which download their
boot image from an Infoserver 150 and then
make a connection to an Alpha 3000/400. Yesterday
the Alpha and Infoserver were rebooted and now
it seems that only 10 of the 20 Xterminals
can get a connection to the Alpha. All 20 of the Xterminals
successfully receive their boot images from the
Inforserver, but do not get the logon screen
for the Alpha.
The Alpha is running DU 1.3, the Infoserver is
running its software at version 2.1 and VXT 1.2.
Yes, I know these versions are all hopelessly
out of date, yet they worked well before yesterday.
For various reasons, we can only update the software
at a future date.
I've searched the error log files, rebooted the Alpha
and Infoserver again, rebooted the Xterminals in question.
Nothing seems to help. It seems that the first 10 Xterminals
that boot get access to the Alpha.
Any ideas about where to look or what the problem might be?
Thanks much,
Kathy Becker
NPAC Systems
Received on Fri Apr 05 1996 - 18:23:45 NZST