Original Question:
> Does anyone know what the name of the lockfile that is used by yppasswdd to
lock the passwd file when a password is changed/updated?
> We have some home brew perl scripts that add accounts to passwd file in
> /var/yp/src/passwd, then do a make and up to now, we have simply ignored
> file locking. I played with yppasswdd in the past and I identified the
> lock file but I neglected to write it down and our current environment
> doesn't allow me the luxury of tracing yppasswdd (we are now a very
> busy cluster!). So again, does anyone know the name of the file used
> by yppasswd to show that the passwd file is locked??
Thanks to:
Paul A Sand <pas_at_unh.edu>
Wayne Jennings Wayne.Jennings_at_jcu.edu.au
Spider Boardman <spider_at_orb.nashua.nh.us>
Mark Zander mark.zander_at_sheridanc.on.ca
Paul S. Sears * sears_at_uh.edu (NeXT Mail OK)
The University of Houston * <URL:
Engineering Computing Center * System Administration
"Programming is like sex: One mistake and you support it a lifetime."
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Received on Mon Apr 08 1996 - 18:27:49 NZST