New E-Mail List

From: <>
Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 11:28:54 -0400

I've started a new e-mail list which may interest some of you and with
permission from Dave I've attached the specifics.The list is maintained by me
and is not commercially sponsored.

If you have questions or comments let me know at the address below.

Thanks for your time.

Scott Davis
List Maintainer


Questions about Unix peripherals?

Questions about the new TCP/IP terminals which allow you to connect directly
to an Ethernet thereby eliminating terminal servers and the inherent costs
and support associated with them; want information about new data
communications technology which allows for telephone and fax calls over one
data line simultaneously; or if you just want advice on your specific Unix
peripheral problems, please join us.

The list is as follows:

Topic: Talk about peripheral equipment for unix systems.

Name: unix-periphs

Description: This list addresses questions regarding unix peripherals with
specific emphasis on terminals, printers, networking, terminal servers, data
communications, and bar code equipment. The list provides a forum for new
technology and changing regulations regarding computer peripheral devices.

To subscribe: Send e-mail to with the message
subscribe unix-periphs.
Received on Tue Apr 09 1996 - 18:11:44 NZST

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