Summary: Netgroups not recognized by mountd

From: Rudolf Gabler <>
Date: Thu, 11 Apr 1996 16:10:09 +0200 (MET DST)

The "problem":
> > Hi managers,
> > mountd fills the daemon.log file up with messages like:
> >
> > Apr 11 11:00:05 hal5 mountd[306]: Unknown host ahals in root= option for
> > path /e/data5b in /etc/exports
> >
> > the "Unknown host" ahals is a netgroup distributed with NIS. According to
> > the man page for exports this is an allowed host substitution. On the
> > other hand exporting works fine for all computers in the netgroup ahals.
> > Is this a known bug or do I misunderstand something?
I didn't read the man page carefully. I used the netgroup in the
-root=host(s) section but it is only allowed within -access=netgroup.
Sorry for bothering you.

Best regards,

Rudi Gabler

 !Rudolf Gabler !
 !Uni.-Sternwarte Muenchen Internet: RUG_at_USM.Uni-Muenchen.DE!
 !Scheinerstr. 1 Voice: +49-89-98290305 !
 !81679 Muenchen FRG FAX: +49-89-92209427 !
Received on Thu Apr 11 1996 - 16:57:09 NZST

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