Pascal compilation

From: Gordon Findlay, Computer Scientist <>
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 1996 15:51:08 +1200 (NZST)

Date sent: 24-APR-1996 15:45:05

I hope that the answer to this isn't blindingly obvious....

I have a Pascal program, and two Alphastations. I only have a Pascal Compiler
on one of them. I need to run the Pascal program on the other one.

I've compiled and linked on the machine with the compiler; but when I transfer
the executable it fails to run, because of a missing /usr/shlib/
The only routines required from the file are file IO.

I've tried copying that file, and the object file from the compilation and
linking on the target machine. The resulting executable dumps core.
This may be because the machines have different versions of dUnix: the one with
the compiler is 3.2B, the target machine is 3.2C

I've tried linking with /usr/lib/libpas.a instead; this gives several undefined
references, some of which I find in /usr/lib/libc.a, but one of which is only
found in libpas.a, proving that I've done something wrong!

Is there some way I can build an executable on one machine which includes all
its dependencies in one file which will run on the target machine? I've
RTFManpage, but obviously don't understand it :-)

Gordon Findlay,  Computer Scientist, Christchurch School of Medicine
                 Nuclear-free New Zealand       ! The only way to deal 
Email:  Gordon_at_CHMEDS.AC.NZ                     ! with bureaucrats is with
Paper:  PO Box 4345, Christchurch,  NEW ZEALAND ! stealth and sudden violence
Voice:  +64-3-364 0540                          ! (Boutros Boutros-Ghali)
>End of returned message
Gordon Findlay,  Computer Scientist, Christchurch School of Medicine
                 Nuclear-free New Zealand       !It's not that there are too 
Email:  Gordon_at_CHMEDS.AC.NZ                     !many fools: it's just that 
Paper:  PO Box 4345, Christchurch,  NEW ZEALAND !the lightning is badly 
Voice:  +64-3-364 0540                          !distributed (Mark Twain)
Received on Wed Apr 24 1996 - 06:16:55 NZST

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