Thanks to everyone who responded!
hancock_at_alf.dec.com (Steve Hancock)
rockwell_at_rch.dec.com (Paul Rockwell)
wkuderka_at_totaltec.com (William Kuderka)
jaida_at_gmd.com.pe (Javier Aida Nakamo)
szgyula_at_skysrv.Pha.Jhu.EDU (Gyula Szokoly)
Kalle.Flodkvist_at_its.uu.se (Kalle Flodkvist)
SXKAC_at_orca.alaska.edu (Kurt Carlson)
My original post:
>Hi all,
>I would like to mirror two data disks and was wondering if anyone could
>lend some words of wisdom from their experience. I think I want to
>create a volume with one disk and then mirror it with another volume.
>Am I on the right track?
>Any and all suggestions are greatly appreciated.
All of the responses I received helped tremendously. Steve Hancock provided a
step-by-step sure-fire way to mirror two disks and it went like this:
>>If you are referring to Logical Storage Manager (LSM) to accomplish
>>the mirror, then you appear to be slightly off track. What you will
>>need to do is to create an LSM volume consisting of a single plex and
>>then add the second plex to create the mirrored volume. You cannot
>>mirror at the volume level only at the plex level. Here's an example
>>of how you might do that:
>>Assume you have four disks on two controllers, rz16, rz17, rz24, rz25
>>and you want to mirror the disks from one controller to the disks on the
>>other. All drives are already labeled with the default disk label.
>>First set up rootdg and add the first disk using volsetup.
>># volsetup rz16
>>Then, add the other three disks in using voldiskadd. When you are asked,
>>put them in the rootdg disk group and media name them the same as the
>>disk names (ie. rz16, rz17, rz24, rz25).
>># voldiskadd rz17
>># voldiskadd rz24
>># voldiskadd rz25
>>Then create the first mirror using volassist.
>># disklabel -r rz17 (get the size in blocks of the 'LSMpub' partition)
>># volassist make vol01 <size> rz16 rz17
>>Then, create the mirror using volassist.
>># volassist mirror vol01 rz24 rz25
>>Then you can create a file system on the volume using newfs (for UFS).
>># newfs /dev/vol/vol01 rz26
>># mount /dev/vol/vol01 /mnt
>>This is just an example, but gives you the idea of the steps. You could
>>put the volume is another disk group other than rootdg. I recommend
>>looking at the LSM manual carefully before deciding how you want to set
>>things up.
It was also helpful to get the Visual Administrator up and running (a picture is
always worth a thousand words). And you do need the lsm-oa license pak to
mirror any disks.
Thanks again.
Received on Thu Apr 25 1996 - 18:00:26 NZST