We're running DU3.2C on an AlphaServer 2100 and are
trying to run X.25 without a whole lot of success. We've
been experiencing system crashes on a regular basis,
possibly associated with an X25 illegal packet indication.
(see trace below). Anybody seen similar problems, and/or
have any experience with X.25???
0 boot(0x0, 0x0, 0xfffffc00006883c8, 0x4f20, 0x0)
1 panic(s = 0xfffffc00006883c8 = "kernel memory fault")
["../../../../src/kernel/bsd/subr_prf.c":757, 0xfffffc0000430a94]
2 trap() ["../../../../src/kernel/arch/alpha/trap.c":1219,
3 _XentMM(0x0, 0xfffffc000046c09c,
0xfffffc00006e8150, 0xfffffffffffffffd, 0xfffffc0004e260b0)
4 bcopy(0x0, 0xfffffc000046c09c,
0xfffffc00006e8150, 0xfffffffffffffffd, 0xfffffc0004e260b0)
5 mb_bcopy_to_mbuf(pVal = 0xffffffff87e4f868 =
"", pNMVL = 0xfffffc0007938e00, ByteCount = 0x1)
["../dec/netman/nmvl.c":555, 0xfffffc0000618ab4]
6 NMVL_append(pNMVList = 0xffffffff87e4f6c8, IDcode = 0xb, DType =
DSMDT_OctetString, vpVal = 0xfffffffffffffffd, Len = 0x3)
["../dec/netman/nmvl.c":1239, 0xfffffc00006196b8]
7 x25_evl_log_illegal_pkt(dxe_p = 0xffffffff87e4f868, lcn =
0x4e26600, state = 0xa, reason = 0x8, pkt_type = 0xa, call_dir =
0x0, header = 0xfffffffffffffffdl3 address 0xfffffffffffffffd not
mapped, pte 0x0, header_len = 0x3)
8 v00_recv_data_pkt(vc = 0xfffffc0000571de8, event =
0xfffffc0000000003) ["../../../base/l3/src/x25_data_actions.c":809,
9 x25_perform_vc_action(vc =
0xfffffc0000000000, event = 0xfffffc0004e26600)
["../../../base/l3/src/x25_l3subr.c":393, 0xfffffc0000570404]
10 x25_recv_packet(lvl2_ref = 0x10000, data_buf =
0xfffffc0004e26600, proto_id = 0x4, dxe_ref = 0x0)
11 hdlc_process_waiting_service_q()
["hdlc_common.c":4383, 0xfffffc00005c8330] 12 netisr_thread()
["../../../../src/kernel/net/netisr.c":806, 0xfffffc000046801c]
End Trace for machine_slot[paniccpu].cpu_panic_thread:
Received on Thu Apr 25 1996 - 18:36:53 NZST