{ SUMMARY : Help with cdrom permissions }

From: Aaron Todd Riccitelli <ar2h+_at_andrew.cmu.edu>
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 1996 09:03:58 -0400 (EDT)

        I would personally like to thank the following people for their quick,
informative responses, aiding me in the permissions of a mounted cdrom:

"Gernot M. Fuchs" <gfuchs_at_golay.med.unc.edu>
"Michael R. Kline" <mike_at_lib.utexas.edu>
alan_at_nabeth.cxo.dec.com (Alan Rollow - Dr. File System's Home for Wayward
Lynn Blankenship <lblank_at_chakotay.au.af.mil>
"US0A20::CJS35102" <CJS35102%US0A20.decnet_at_usav01.glaxo.com> (Chris)
Roddy McColl <roddy_at_visual-ra.SWMED.EDU>
Gyula Szokoly <szgyula_at_skysrv.Pha.Jhu.EDU>
rioux_at_ip6480nl.ce.utexas.edu (Tom Rioux)
Dougal Scott_at_aaii.oz.au
"Bernt Christandl" <beb_at_rosat.mpe-garching.mpg.de>Hellebo Knut <Knut.Hellebo_at_nho.hydro.com>
 (if I forgot anyone my humblest apologies

Inquiry solution:
   To create a simple program that allows users to access the mounted
root-only file system.

For future reference:
NOTE: All comments, inclusions, programs, etc. are property of that person.
If these ideas are used, transformed, manipulated please give credit where
credit is due, with appropriate citings, copyrights, acknowledgements, etc.

Thank you all again.

-------------- Comments --------------------

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From: "Gernot M. Fuchs" <gfuchs_at_golay.med.unc.edu>
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Date: Fri, 26 Apr 1996 11:40:41 -0400
In-Reply-To: Aaron Todd Riccitelli <ar2h+_at_andrew.cmu.edu>
        "Help with cdrom permissions ..." (Apr 26, 11:22am)
References: <ElUCcQS00YUqIF40lt_at_andrew.cmu.edu>
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To: Aaron Todd Riccitelli <ar2h+_at_andrew.cmu.edu>
Subject: Re: Help with cdrom permissions ...
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Permissions won't help you in this case, since mount - for security reasons -
usually is limited to root. However, there is an option - I think in nfssetup -
asking if you want to allow non root mounts. I do not know if this option will
work for local disks, since on my machines, I don't want to give users mount
permission at all.

Another option, I only know from my SGI machines, would be to have the CD
mounted automatically, once you put in a disk. That is quite a fine mechanism
on SGI workstations, however, I don't know if something like that is
implemented under DU.

I hope this helps a bit


Gernot M. Fuchs                           University of N.C. at Chapel Hill
voice: 919-966-3263                       UNC Hospitals/School of Medicine
email: gfuchs_at_pasteur.med.unc.edu         CB #7260, Chapel Hill, N.C. 27599
www  : http://russell.med.unc.edu/~gfuchs
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Date: Fri, 26 Apr 1996 09:58:13 -0600
From: alan_at_nabeth.cxo.dec.com (Alan Rollow - Dr. File System's Home for Wayward
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To: ar2h+_at_andrew.cmu.edu
Subject: Re:  Help with cdrom permissions ...
I think the mount system call has an explicit check for root
when local file systems are mounted.  There's an option to
allow non-root NFS mounts, but I think it is only for NFS
What you need to do is write a wrapper program for the necessary
mount command and set it up to run as root.  It would be wise
to ensure that it uses mount options that prevent setuid programs
from being imported by otherwise non-privilaged users.
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From: rioux_at_ip6480nl.ce.utexas.edu (Tom Rioux)
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Subject: Re: Help with cdrom permissions ...
To: ar2h+_at_andrew.cmu.edu
Date: Fri, 26 Apr 96 14:21:22 CDT
In-Reply-To: <ElUCcQS00YUqIF40lt_at_andrew.cmu.edu>; from "Aaron Todd Riccitelli" at Apr 26, 96 11:22 am
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alpha1:root:/usr/local/source/mcd# cat makefile
CC      = cc
cflags  =
CFLAGS  = -c -O
lflags  =
all:                    /usr/local/bin/mcd_iso /usr/local/bin/mcd_ufs
                        _at_echo "mcd is up to date."
/usr/local/bin/mcd_iso: mcd_iso
                        cp    mcd_iso /usr/local/bin/mcd_iso
                        chown root    /usr/local/bin/mcd_iso
                        chgrp lrc     /usr/local/bin/mcd_iso
                        chmod 4755    /usr/local/bin/mcd_iso
mcd_iso:                mcd_iso.o /lib/libc.a
                        $(CC) $(LFLAGS) $(lflags) mcd_iso.o -lc -o mcd_iso
                        strip mcd_iso
mcd_iso.o:              mcd_iso.c
                        $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(cflags) mcd_iso.c
/usr/local/bin/mcd_ufs: mcd_ufs
                        cp    mcd_ufs /usr/local/bin/mcd_ufs
                        chown root    /usr/local/bin/mcd_ufs
                        chgrp lrc     /usr/local/bin/mcd_ufs
                        chmod 4755    /usr/local/bin/mcd_ufs
mcd_ufs:                mcd_ufs.o /lib/libc.a
                        $(CC) $(LFLAGS) $(lflags) mcd_ufs.o -lc -o mcd_ufs
                        strip mcd_ufs
mcd_ufs.o:              mcd_ufs.c
                        $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(cflags) mcd_ufs.c
alpha1:root:/usr/local/source/mcd# cat mcd_iso.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
int main ()
  int lsiv_return_code;
  lsiv_return_code = setuid ( (uid_t) 0 );
  if ( lsiv_return_code != 0 )  return ( lsiv_return_code );
  lsiv_return_code = setgid ( (gid_t) 0 );
  if ( lsiv_return_code != 0 )  return ( lsiv_return_code );
  lsiv_return_code = system ( "/sbin/mount -rt cdfs -o nodefperm,noversion /dev/rz4c /mnt" );
  if ( lsiv_return_code != 0 )  return ( lsiv_return_code );
  printf ( "CD-ROM /dev/rz4c mounted in iso9660 format as /mnt\n" );
  return ( 0 );
alpha1:root:/usr/local/source/mcd# cat mcd_ufs.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
int main ()
  int lsiv_return_code;
  lsiv_return_code = setuid ( (uid_t) 0 );
  if ( lsiv_return_code != 0 )  return ( lsiv_return_code );
  lsiv_return_code = setgid ( (gid_t) 0 );
  if ( lsiv_return_code != 0 )  return ( lsiv_return_code );
  lsiv_return_code = system ( "/sbin/mount -rd /dev/rz4c /mnt" );
  if ( lsiv_return_code != 0 )  return ( lsiv_return_code );
  printf ( "CD-ROM /dev/rz4c mounted in ufs format as /mnt\n" );
  return ( 0 );
alpha1:root:/usr/local/source/ucd# cat makefile
CC      = cc
cflags  =
CFLAGS  = -c -O
lflags  =
/usr/local/bin/ucd:     ucd
                        cp    ucd    /usr/local/bin/ucd
                        chown root   /usr/local/bin/ucd
                        chgrp system /usr/local/bin/ucd
                        chmod 4755   /usr/local/bin/ucd
ucd:                    ucd.o /lib/libc.a
                        $(CC) $(LFLAGS) $(lflags) ucd.o -lc -o ucd
                        strip ucd
ucd.o:                  ucd.c
                        $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(cflags) ucd.c
alpha1:root:/usr/local/source/ucd# cat ucd.c
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
int main ()
  int lsiv_return_code;
  lsiv_return_code = setuid ( (uid_t) 0 );
  if ( lsiv_return_code != 0 )  return ( lsiv_return_code );
  lsiv_return_code = system ( "/sbin/umount /mnt" );
  if ( lsiv_return_code != 0 )  return ( lsiv_return_code );
  printf ( "CD-ROM disk unmounted from /mnt\n" );
  return ( 0 );
You may have to change "/dev/rz4c" to meet your configuration.
Tom Rioux
ECJ 3.400.C4
Civil Engineering Department C1700
The University of Texas at Austin
Austin, Texas  78712
512-471-0592 FAX
512-606-8320 digital pager
> Hello,
> I am trying to set permissions on configured RRD4x's.  I have tried just about> all combinations of permission settings on the cdrom, but only root has
> the ability to mount the cdrom now.  Basically, I am need of help of letting
> my users mount the drive when they want/need to.  I have tried resetting the
> permissions, exhaustively searching through the man pages, ect., but the
> system does not let users mount the device.  Any help would be greatly
> appreciated, because right now I having taken a tangent and am confusing
> myself on what I set out to do.
> As always,
> Thanks in advance,
> A. Riccitelli
> Dept of Civil Engineering
> Carnegie Mellon University
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To: Aaron Todd Riccitelli <ar2h+_at_andrew.cmu.edu>
From: Dougal Scott <dwagon_at_aaii.oz.au>
Reply-To: dwagon_at_aaii.oz.au
Subject: Re: Help with cdrom permissions ...
In-Reply-To: Message from Aaron Todd Riccitelli of 1996-Apr-26 11:22:4,
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> Any help would be greatly appreciated, because right now I having
> taken a tangent and am confusing myself on what I set out to do.
Mount can only be run as root independant of permissions, it's a kernel
restriction. Try sudo, which allows you to specify users or groups of
users to be able to run specified commands (such as mounting cd-rom) as
------- =_aaaaaaaaaa0
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Dougal Scott                      Australian Artificial Intelligence Institute
dwagon_at_aaii.oz.au                 6/171 La Trobe St. Melbourne 3000
Programmer and Tech Support       Australia
Phone: +61 3 9663 7922            Fax: +61 3 9663 7937
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Date: 26 Apr 96 12:49:00 EDT
From: "US0A20::CJS35102" <CJS35102%US0A20.decnet_at_usav01.glaxo.com>
Subject: RE: Help with cdrom permissions ...
To: "ar2h+" <ar2h+_at_andrew.cmu.edu>
Write a script that does the mount.  Put it in a secure area (very important!)
Give ownership of the script to root. Set UID (SUID) the file to allow it to runas root.  Set permissions so others can execute it.
It is important that you understang the SUID function to set this up without
creating a security hole.  Create a link to it from the /bin directory or give the
users the full path name.
                                         Hope this helps,
(Something like this, I can't test this so I'll leave it to you to debug)
cd /homegrown/scripts           !  or whereever you want it to reside
vi cdmnt
echo "Enter the CD type [ufs]: \c"
read type
if [-z $type]; then set type=ufs fi
mount -t $type /dev/rz4c /cdrom
# chown root cdmnt
# chmod 4711 cdmnt      ! suid, root full privs, grp and world execute only
# ln -s /homegrown/scripts/cdmnt /bin/cdmnt
Users with /bin in their path should be able to execute it by typing cdmnt and
responding to the type prompt.  a similar script now needs to be written to let
them unmount the CD.  Note:  Anyone with access to the scripts can mount or unmount
anyone's CDs, also users who cd to the CD and forget about it may prevent othersfrom being able to dismount it.
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From: Lynn Blankenship <lblank_at_chakotay.au.af.mil>
To: "'Aaron Todd Riccitelli'" <ar2h+_at_andrew.cmu.edu>
Subject: RE: Help with cdrom permissions ...
Date: Fri, 26 Apr 1996 11:27:15 -0500
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When I asked the same question, the answer I got was only root can mount.
From:   Aaron Todd Riccitelli
Sent:   Friday, April 26, 1996 10:22 AM
To:     alpha-osf-managers_at_ornl.gov
Subject:        Help with cdrom permissions ...
I am trying to set permissions on configured RRD4x's.  I have tried just about
all combinations of permission settings on the cdrom, but only root has
the ability to mount the cdrom now.  Basically, I am need of help of letting
my users mount the drive when they want/need to.  I have tried resetting the
permissions, exhaustively searching through the man pages, ect., but the
system does not let users mount the device.  Any help would be greatly
appreciated, because right now I having taken a tangent and am confusing
myself on what I set out to do.
As always,
Thanks in advance,
A. Riccitelli
Dept of Civil Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
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Subject: Re: Help with cdrom permissions ...
To: ar2h+_at_andrew.cmu.edu
Date: Fri, 26 Apr 1996 13:26:08 -0400 (EDT)
In-Reply-To: <ElUCcQS00YUqIF40lt_at_andrew.cmu.edu> from "Aaron Todd Riccitelli" at Apr 26, 96 11:22:04 am
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> I am trying to set permissions on configured RRD4x's.  I have tried just about> all combinations of permission settings on the cdrom, but only root has
> the ability to mount the cdrom now.  Basically, I am need of help of letting
  What about a setuid C program that does this through the 'system()' call?
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Date: Fri, 26 Apr 1996 10:46:38 -0500
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To: Aaron Todd Riccitelli <ar2h+_at_andrew.cmu.edu>
Subject: Re: Help with cdrom permissions ...
References: <ElUCcQS00YUqIF40lt_at_andrew.cmu.edu>
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Only root has permission to use the mount command.  You need to write a
wrapper program with setuid root to allow other users to mount the
Aaron Todd Riccitelli wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to set permissions on configured RRD4x's.  I have tried just about> all combinations of permission settings on the cdrom, but only root has
> the ability to mount the cdrom now.  Basically, I am need of help of letting
> my users mount the drive when they want/need to.  I have tried resetting the
> permissions, exhaustively searching through the man pages, ect., but the
> system does not let users mount the device.  Any help would be greatly
> appreciated, because right now I having taken a tangent and am confusing
> myself on what I set out to do.
> As always,
> Thanks in advance,
> A. Riccitelli
> Dept of Civil Engineering
> Carnegie Mellon University
         Michael R. Kline                        mike_at_lib.utexas.edu
         General Libraries                      Office: (512) 495-4391
         University of Texas at Austin          FAX   : (512) 495-4347
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          Mon, 29 Apr 1996 01:25:34 -0400 (EDT)
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References: <ElUCcQS00YUqIF40lt_at_andrew.cmu.edu>
To: Aaron Todd Riccitelli <ar2h+_at_andrew.cmu.edu>
Subject: Re: Help with cdrom permissions ...
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Fri, 26 Apr 1996 11:22:04 EDT."
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Date: Mon, 29 Apr 1996 07:25:51 +0200
From: "Bernt Christandl" <beb_at_rosat.mpe-garching.mpg.de>
if you are still interested, we have such a construction running,
and i can send you the details (including some small c-files)
The main problem is that (u)mount under DU is a command that only
root has the priviledges to use.
Our solution is a program (the "user_interface") which lets the user
select what kind of cd-mount he want to do. Then this program starts
the appropriate suid-installed routine which actually (u)mounts the cd.
With regards
Bernt Christandl
- Bernt Christandl / Max Planck Institut fuer Extraterrestrische Physik -
- D-85740 Garching  / Phone: +49/89/3299-3342 / Fax: +49/89/3299-3569   -
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Date: Fri, 26 Apr 1996 12:23:44 -0500
From: Roddy McColl <roddy_at_visual-ra.SWMED.EDU>
Subject: Help with cdrom permissions ...
In-reply-to: <ElUCcQS00YUqIF40lt_at_andrew.cmu.edu>
To: Aaron Todd Riccitelli <ar2h+_at_andrew.cmu.edu>
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References: <ElUCcQS00YUqIF40lt_at_andrew.cmu.edu>
Aaron Todd Riccitelli writes:
 > Hello,
 > I am trying to set permissions on configured RRD4x's.  I have tried just about
 > all combinations of permission settings on the cdrom, but only root has
 > the ability to mount the cdrom now.  Basically, I am need of help of letting
 > my users mount the drive when they want/need to.  I have tried resetting the
 > permissions, exhaustively searching through the man pages, ect., but the
 > system does not let users mount the device.  Any help would be greatly
 > appreciated, because right now I having taken a tangent and am confusing
 > myself on what I set out to do.
 > As always,
 > Thanks in advance,
 > A. Riccitelli
 > Dept of Civil Engineering
 > Carnegie Mellon University
This is my version of the cdmount / cdumount program which has been
around in PD land for a while. I have a 4/300 and it works just fine,
allowing the users to mount / umount by making the program setuid to
----------- Makefile (run as root) -------------------------
#       _at_(#)Makefile    1.1 8/17/91 - CDmount
# This software is Copyright (c) 1991 by Kent Landfield.
# Permission is hereby granted to copy, distribute or otherwise
# use any part of this package as long as you do not try to make
# money from it or pretend that you wrote it.  This copyright
# notice must be maintained in any copy made.
# Use of this software constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS
# condition. There are NO warranties with regard to this software.
# In no event shall the author be liable for any damages whatsoever
# arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this
# software.  Any use of this software is at the user's own risk.
#  If you make modifications to this software that you feel
#  increases it usefulness for the rest of the community, please
#  email the changes, enhancements, bug fixes as well as any and
#  all ideas to me. This software is going to be maintained and
#  enhanced as deemed necessary by the community.
#               Kent Landfield
#               sparky!kent
#               kent_at_sparky.imd.sterling.com
all: cdmount cdumount
        $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o cdmount cdmount.c
cdumount: cdmount.c
        chown root cdmount
        chgrp bin cdmount
        chmod u+s cdmount
        rm -f cdumount
        ln cdmount cdumount
install: all
        _at_echo "install according to local conventions"
        install -c -s -o root -g bin -m 6755 cdmount $(DESTDIR)
        rm -f $(DESTDIR)/cdumount
        ln $(DESTDIR)/cdmount $(DESTDIR)/cdumount
        install -c -o bin -g bin -m 0644 cdmount.1 $(MANDIR)/cdmount.l
        install -c -o bin -g bin -m 0644 cdumount.1 $(MANDIR)/cdumount.l
        rm -f cdmount cdumount
        cprint Makefile | lpr -Plw
        cprint README | lpr -Plw
        cprint cdmount.c | lpr -Plw
        psroff -man cdmount.1
        psroff -man cdumount.1
------------------ end of Makefile ---------------------------
------------------ cdmount.c ---------------------------
**  Subsystem:   User Level mount for CD-ROM
**  File Name:   cdmount.c
** This software is Copyright (c) 1991 by Kent Landfield.
** Permission is hereby granted to copy, distribute or otherwise
** use any part of this package as long as you do not try to make
** money from it or pretend that you wrote it.  This copyright
** notice must be maintained in any copy made.
** Use of this software constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS
** condition. There are NO warranties with regard to this software.
** In no event shall the author be liable for any damages whatsoever
** arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this
** software.  Any use of this software is at the user's own risk.
**  If you make modifications to this software that you feel
**  increases it usefulness for the rest of the community, please
**  email the changes, enhancements, bug fixes as well as any and
**  all ideas to me. This software is going to be maintained and
**  enhanced as deemed necessary by the community.
**              Kent Landfield
**              sparky!kent
**              kent_at_sparky.imd.sterling.com
#if !defined(lint) && !defined(SABER)
static char SID[] = "_at_(#)cdmount.c      1.2 8/19/91";
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
/*#define MOUNT        "/etc/mount"*/
#define MOUNT          "/sbin/mount"
/*#define UMOUNT        "/etc/umount"*/
#define UMOUNT         "/sbin/umount"
/*#define EJECT        "/usr/bin/eject"*/
#define MOUNTPOINT      "/cdrom"
/*#define MOUNTDEVICE   "/dev/sr0"*/
#define MOUNTDEVICE   "/dev/rz4c"
/*#define MOUNTDEVICE   "/dev/rz12c"*/
void usage(progname)
char *progname;
  /* The next line is commented out since there is no hsfs option */
  /* for the OSF. 12/21/95 Alex Krimkevich                        */
  /*    -h   mount an ISO 9660 or High Sierra CD_ROM Filesystem\n\*/
    (void) fprintf(stderr, "\nusage: %s [ -cdv ]\
      -c   mount the cdfs CD_ROM Filesystem\n\
      -d   show the mount command without executing it\n\
      -v   show the mount command and execute it\n\
\n", progname);
int main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char **argv;
    int getopt();
    char *strrchr();
    extern char *optarg;
    extern int optind;
    extern int opterr;
    char *cp;
    char cmd[256];
    int rc;
    int cdfs;
    int debug;
    int iso9660;
    struct stat stb;
    if ((cp = strrchr(argv[0],'/')) != NULL)
        cp = argv[0];
    ** Setup IFS for system() protection...
    if (putenv("IFS= \t\n") != 0) {
         (void) fprintf(stderr,"%s: IFS putenv failed...\n", cp);
    ** Setup PATH for execlp() protection...
    if (putenv("PATH=/etc:/usr/etc:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin") != 0) {
         (void) fprintf(stderr,"%s: PATH putenv failed...\n", cp);
    ** If the user is requesting to mount a CD..
    if (strcmp(cp, "cdmount") == 0) {
        cdfs = 0;
        iso9660 = 0;
        opterr = 0;
        debug = 0;
        ** Assure that the mount point is there and in a
        ** directory and not a symbolic link ..
        if (lstat(MOUNTPOINT, &stb) != 0) {
            (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: mount point missing\n", MOUNTPOINT);
        if ((stb.st_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFDIR) {
            (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: invalid mount point\n", MOUNTPOINT);
        if (argc > 1) {
            while ((rc = getopt(argc, argv, "dcv")) != EOF) {
               switch (rc) {
                 case 'c':
                    ** mount the cdfs type CD_ROM
                    ** which is supposed to be ISO 9660
                  case 'd':     /* debugging - does not run command. */
                   debug = 1;
                  case 'v':     /* verbose - runs command. */
                   debug = 2;
                /*  case 'h':
                    ** mount an ISO 9660 Standard or High
                    ** Sierra Standard CD-ROM filesystem.
                    ** Not applicable for the OSF, so commented out
/*      if (cdfs && iso9660) {
            (void) fprintf(stderr,"%s: Cannot use ISO9660 and CDFS\n", cp);
        /* build the command line.. */
        if (cdfs)
            (void) sprintf(cmd, "%s -r -t cdfs -o nosuid %s %s",
                         MOUNT, MOUNTDEVICE, MOUNTPOINT);
/*      else if (iso9660)
            (void) sprintf(cmd, "%s -r -t hsfs -o nosuid %s %s",
                         MOUNT, MOUNTDEVICE, MOUNTPOINT);*/
            (void) sprintf(cmd, "%s -r -o nosuid %s %s",
                         MOUNT, MOUNTDEVICE, MOUNTPOINT);
        if (debug)
            (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", cmd);
        if (debug != 1)
            rc = system(cmd);
    ** The user is requesting to dismount a CD...
    else if (strcmp(cp, "cdumount") == 0) {
#ifdef EJECT
        (void) sprintf(cmd, "%s %s && %s %s",
        (void) sprintf(cmd, "%s %s",
                      UMOUNT, MOUNTDEVICE);
        rc = system(cmd);
        if (!rc)
                   "%s: Note: You must manually eject the CD-ROM\n", cp);
    ** Improperly named/linked executables, I'm confused...
    else {
        (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: I don't know who I am... ? \n", cp);
        rc = 1;
    return(rc >> 8);
------------------ end of cdmount.c ------------------
Good luck!
         Roddy McColl PhD
         Assistant Professor of Radiology
         Radiology Imaging Center
         UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
         5323 Harry Hines Blvd
         Dallas TX 75235-9058
         (214) 648-2910
         (214) 648-4538 FAX    roddy_at_mri.swmed.edu
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In-Reply-To: Aaron Todd Riccitelli <ar2h+_at_andrew.cmu.edu>
        "Help with cdrom permissions ..." (Apr 26, 11:22am)
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To: Aaron Todd Riccitelli <ar2h+_at_andrew.cmu.edu>
Subject: Re: Help with cdrom permissions ...
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Generally, filesystems can only be mounted by root. This holds whether the
filesystem is of cdrom type or ufs/advfs. To let every user be able to
mount cdrom's you must either write your own little C-program (NOT
shellscript !) or get a freewarepackage, e.g 'sudo'
      *         Knut Helleboe                    | DAMN GOOD COFFEE !! *
      *         Norsk Hydro a.s                  | (and hot too)       *
      * Phone: +47 55 996870, Fax: +47 55 996342 |                     *
      * Pager: +47 96 500718                     |                     *
      * E-mail: Knut.Hellebo_at_nho.hydro.com       | Dale Cooper, FBI    *
Received on Mon Apr 29 1996 - 17:40:23 NZST

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