Hi OSF-Managers
About a week ago I posted my Problem with an Alpha 1000/4-266 where I tried
to Install DUnix 3.2D on this brand-new Box. The Problem was, that doconfig
exited with an Error, saying that there ar undifined ace_...-Options.
The first replys suggested, that I should run the ECU-Diskette for VMS/OSF
again. I did, but doconfig still exited.
A good hint came from Dr. Tom Blinn, <tpb_at_zk3.dec.com>, who said:
> All of those "ace" symbols relate to the system's serial console
> ports, and they are all in object modules that would have been
> loaded on the system when you did the base installation.
Finally I had to call DEC (which I tried to omit, because the system doesen't
belong to my employer).
The DEC-Helpdesk (which is really good in Switzerland) then told me to check
if the 'tty_devs'-variable on console-prompt is set to '2' (for the two serial
ports of the system). It wasn't. Then they said I should check if the ace-
entries in my config-file are correct.
Well there were none, so I just added the two lines in the config-file:
controller ace0 at eisa0
controller ace1 at eisa0
The correct values came from uerf (System-Startup-messages).
After that, doconfig built the new kernel, which booted fine.
Thanks to:
Steve Hancock <hancock_at_alf.dec.com>
Martin Moore <martin_at_jerry.alf.dec.com>
Dave norton_at_nrlmry.navy.mil
Gerhard Nolte <gnolte_at_gwdg.de>
Keller, Raymond L. <RKeller_at_williams-int.com>
and certainly to Dr. Tom Blinn, <tpb_at_zk3.dec.com> (for leading us to
the right track)
I really appreciate, that you took your time to help me.
\\\\ Ferdinand Moser - Bundesamt fuer Veterinaerwesen ////
>>>> Informatikdienst, Schwarzenburgstr. 161, 3097 Liebefeld <<<<
//// Internet: fm_at_ivi.ch Tel: 031 323 85 25 \\\\
| Mamas don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys... |
\-------------------------------------------------------------- ;-)
Received on Fri May 10 1996 - 22:24:05 NZST