Help - uucp's mailbox is filling up with the following message ...
>From daemon Wed May 1 23:49:38 1996
Received: by hurix; id AA00380; Wed, 1 May 1996 23:49:37 +0100
Date: Wed, 1 May 1996 23:49:37 +0100
From: system PRIVILEGED account <root>
Message-Id: <9605012249.AA00380_at_hurix>
Apparently-To: uucp
Your crontab file has an error in it.
unexpected symbol found
This entry has been ignored.
This crontab entry seems to have been set up by the installation
process - anybody got a quick fix for this bug ?
| Eric Wyn Jones, Information Services, University of Wales, Bangor |
| If the gates of heaven are signed "No dogs" I'll go to hell. |
Received on Mon May 13 1996 - 22:54:40 NZST