I asked why putting the single line
Forward to joe
in /usr/spool/mail/fred
did not work as advertised in mails man pages...
Replies received from the following - thank you
Jay Shen <jshen_at_emperor.kidsat.ucsd.edu>
"Nancy J. Young" <young_at_nuc003.psc.sc.edu>
Serge Munhoven <munhoven_at_olive.msm.ulg.ac.be>
"Gernot M. Fuchs" <gfuchs_at_pasteur.med.unc.edu>
Most pointed to using .forward files and aliases as an alternative
(which I knew about)
Serge confirmed that he could not get the recipe in the man page to work
quote :-
>That's the way I would understand it as well ...
>I just tried to fiddle around with it, but can't make it work either.
>However I do not get your error: mail simply keeps being delivered to
>joe ...
I can confirm that this is what happens here as well now I got the
owner correct !
So it looks like the man pages are economical with the truth !
| Eric Wyn Jones, Information Services, University of Wales, Bangor |
| If the gates of heaven are signed "No dogs" I'll go to hell. |
Received on Tue May 14 1996 - 00:15:00 NZST