The original question is located at the bottom of this message.
Thanks to all those who responded:
Mark Zander
G. Del Merritt
Stam Nicolis
David C. Tuttle
Fred Lance
Hellebo Knut
Nearly everyone mentioned that if a router was involved I would need to
'program' the router to pass bootp-type traffic across the network(s). Well,
luckily for me this was mentioned. There is not yet, but within weeks there is
planned, a router on this network and it would have bit me at that time.
Nope, my problem [at least with the lps printer] was much more basic. It is not
advisable to 'incorrectly' update the /etc/lpsodb (lps printserver database.
There are three files involved with the lps printer downloading via tftpbootp
/etc/hosts /etc/bootptab and /etc/lpsodb -- the printer name and ip addresses
must be the same within all three files. Sounded like a no brainer, but
/etc/lpsodb is not easily updated by hand. When I re-editted this file via
/etc/lpssetup and worked through the problems I had created for myself in
attempting to make the changes by hand it all came out fine. (Took several
hours of back-tracking to correct.)
The VXT terminals are still not re-loading. It was suggested that the host's ip
address needed to be changed on the VXT's and I had already addressed this
issue. When these *beasts* were originally setup, I recall that the
administrator of that time had quite a run for his money also. I will just have
to keep on plodding through it 'til they work. If anyone does have any further
comments or suggestions please send them on.
Thanks again for your inputs.
Bonnie DeBruler
> Subject: tftpbootp and ip address changes
> Hello fellow managers
> I hope this is not FAQ, I have checked the lists and haven't found
> anything... I have checked the manuals and not found helpful
> information... I have visited man extensively and still not been saved...
> (humor is a good thing...)
> I have recently re-defined the entire network (added new network cards,
> retaining the new) and everything seems to work except bootp and tftpbootp.
> The previous addresses were 222.222.222.n and have been changed to
> 111.222.123.n (fictitious numbers in the example...). The hosts file and
> bootptab have been updated via vi. The system rebooted and the tftpbootp
> devices (an lps17 and a vxt2000 terminal) have attempted but failed to
> reload.
> The system is an AlphaStation 600/233 running OSF/1 v 2.0, VXT software
> v1.5 and LPS17's PrintServer Software v5.0.
> I am able to ping the system on all connected nets...
> The VXT2000 terminal just cycles endlessly looking for a host to download
> from...
> The LPS17 displays the ethernet address and ?54 -- looking for the host to
> download from, also...
> What have I failed to do here? Hints are welcome...
Received on Wed May 15 1996 - 16:00:25 NZST