SUMMARY: Previous has son errors... sorry

From: Cuenta para mails de osf <>
Date: Wed, 29 May 1996 12:08:55 -0600 (CST)

 Some days ago, I wanted to know how a non-root user could execute
some commands, just like shutdown, in an alphaserver 2100, with OSF 2.3C.
    There is a tool called "sudo" that lets you do that. You can get
that tool
    This is a free software product that allows you to enable some users
to run some determined commands as root. All your have to do is to
compile and install it, and edit a file /etc/sudoers (with a special editor
of that tool, called visudo), to set up the appropiate privileges.
     After compiling and installing this tool, you can get more information
 about how you can use it with:
     man sudo
     man visudo
     man sudoers
 In the last file, there are some examples for enabling privileges to certainusers.
| Ing. Maria del Carmen Sanchez Barrio | Universidad La Salle |
| Lider de Proyectos | Benjamin Hill # 43 |
| Centro de Computo Academico | Col. Condesa |
| E-mail address: | C. P. 06140 |
| | Mexico, D. F. |
| | Tel. 516-99-60 al 69 ext. 2070 |
Received on Thu May 30 1996 - 01:25:04 NZST

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