Many thanks for the speedy responses (just wish they bore better news
;-) --
O r i g i n a l q u e r y:
Now that I have issued the command "volassist growby u01 1000000", and
rebooted, and can see from "voldg free" that my free space went down
by that amount, and "volprint -ht" shows a corresponding increase of
/u01 : how come my "df" still does not show an increase of 1,000,000
blocks? It would seem that I would need to re-create the filesystem
-- is there a safe way to do that in-place, or do I need to back up,
newfs, restore?
BTW: this is a UFS under LSM
R e s p o n s e s f o l l o w :
You're on the right track. The filesystem was created with size 'n'.
Even though the underlying volume has grown, that won't change the
size of the filesystem. You'll have to back up the filesystem, remove
it, newfs it, and restore.
Martin J. Moore 5555 Windward Parkway West Digital
UNIX Support Alpharetta GA 30201-7407 Digital Equipment
Corporation 1-800-354-9000 x31679
Neither UFS nor AdvFS automatically grow the file system to fill newly
available space. As it turns out there still aren't utilities that
can grow the file system offline or online to use newly available
space. I've heard rumors of plans for such a utility for AdvFS, but
it has been a consisently less desirable feature than such things as
MP friendlyness and not panicing the system in the face of an I/O
error. I think OSF provides such a utility for UFS in their
distribution, but we didn't include in Digital UNIX.
The only solution is to backup, re-create the file system and restore.
Please make your dissatisfaction known to the CSC, so they can make
it known to the engineering groups.
Received on Fri May 31 1996 - 21:18:08 NZST