Hi Managers,
Has anyone set up a 3 COM 3C595TX Fast Etherlink card to work
with Digital Unix 3.2c or 3.2d. This is 10/100 Base T card which
uses the PCI interface. The target system is an Alpaserver 1000
4/233. What I need is the drivers for Digital Unix. The card came
with drivers for SCO, HP/Ux etc. Any help or pointers to info
would be welcome.
Reggie Jungbahadur Tel : 27 21 419 8920
Dexel (PTY) Ltd. Fax : 27 21 25 3363
Cape Town. South Africa Internet : reggie_at_dexel.co.za
Received on Mon Jun 03 1996 - 20:41:50 NZST