Thanks to those who responded! My original message was as follows:
>We just recieved an Alphastation 500/266 and we are trying to bring it up. We
>set up our Internet services, BIND setup, NIS and NFS. When we rebooted we got
>the following error
>Mounting NFS filesystems
>NFS Portmap:RPC Port mapper failure - RPC timed out
>It took several minutes for it to come up to the login window.
>Loggin in to several minutes.
>It appears there is network problem. We can not use NIS services for passwords
>and cannot communicate with any other machines.
>Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
The answer was to set the following at the boot prompt.
>>> set ewa0 bnc
>>> set ewa0_mode aui
Again thanks to those who responded.
Tracey D. Leet
GIS Analyst Supervisor
Georgia Department of Transportation
Planning Data Services
(770) 986-1361
Received on Mon Jun 03 1996 - 21:55:48 NZST