[SUMMARY] Filename Completion

From: Dexel - Durban <dexel-db_at_iafrica.com>
Date: Wed, 12 Jun 1996 11:19:59 +0300

-= Original Problem =-

I'm not sure if the term 'command completion' is correct. What I'd like
(and used to have) was to type (say)

        ls /tmp/ger

then <esc><esc>

and the shell would expand to

        ls /tmp/gertrude

Any idea if there is a command to do this in ksh ?

-= Solution =-

Basically the solution was to

        set -o emacs or
        export EDITOR=emacs or
        export VISUAL=emacs

This is great - however I prefer to use vi :) I can remember at the last place that I was
at, I had the functionality of the 'vi' command line, yet also the <esc><esc>. Truely a

-= *thanks* to the following who replied =-

"Akihito 'ycos' Yakoshi" <yakoshi_at_osa.dec.com>
Bernt Christandl" <beb_at_rosat.mpe-garching.mpg.de>
Brian Sherwood <sherwood_at_esu.edu>
Garth T Kidd <garth_at_dogbert.systems.sa.gov.au>
Gerhard Nolte <gnolte_at_gwdg.de>
Peter Stern <peter_at_wiscpa.weizmann.ac.il>
Rainer Geiges <geiges_at_kph.uni-mainz.de>
Rich McClellan <richmc_at_seneca.fullerton.edu>
Rob Naccarato <rob_at_viking.sheridanc.on.ca>
Serge Munhoven <munhoven_at_pluto.msm.ulg.ac.be>
Steffen Kluge <kluge_at_ave.ac.agit.de>
Steve Crothers <steve_at_eiscat.ag.rl.ac.uk>
Tim Mooney <mooney_at_dogbert.cc.ndsu.NoDak.edu>
UFPEL - CPMET <ufpelrm_at_eu.ansp.br>

- Carl

Carl Schei			| Dexel (Pty) Ltd (Durban)	|
Software Engineer		| Tel : 27 31 2669273		|
email : carl_at_dexel.co.za      	| Fax : 27 31 2660340		|
Received on Wed Jun 12 1996 - 11:48:11 NZST

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