Summary: Oracle install failed looking for

From: Edward C. Bailey <>
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 15:26:40 -0400

Thanks to everybody who responded (May have missed a few of you; had a
problem with mail): (Bob Berrigan)
Claes Sandgren <>
Clifford Krieger <>
"George W. Baltz" <>
Chris ruffieux <>
Cesar Escorcia <> (Kent Poots)
"Vipin Gokhale, DEC SBU, Oracle Corporation" <>
Robert Honore <>
"Terry Suen [ Phone:(416) 218 3030 ext. 4061 ]" <>

Here's my original message:

>Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 12:24:40 -0400
>From: "Edward C. Bailey" <>
>Subject: Oracle install failed looking for
>Hello all,
> I've been working on an Oracle install on one of our Alphas (A 2100
>4/200, running 3.2c). The install ended up having some problems. One of
>them was a failed relink. It bombed with the message "Can't find file for
> After the install completed (I let it continue so I could look over the
>smoldering remnants), I tried to run the on-line documentation viewer. It
>bombed with an error saying it couldn't map
> Does anyone see a pattern here? :-) I imagine that I've not loaded
>some software that Oracle expects. The question is, what? I'd R the FM,
>but I think the FM left with a departing employee some time ago.
> Does anyone know from whence comes?
> Thanks,
> Ed

The answer that everyone gave (and quickly, too! Do you people just sit
around waiting for a chance to be brilliant? :-) was that I needed to
install the "Realtime Software Development" subset. Put that in, and it
worked great. Here's a kernel of knowledge I thought worth sharing:

# cd /usr/.smdb.
# grep *.inv
OSFRTDEV350.inv:0 98304 56329 3 4 100644 7/24/95 350
f./usr/shlib/ none OSFRTDEV350
              ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^
Thanks to for that little gem, and thanks to all the
speedy and accurate response!

Ed Bailey, Information Systems and Networks
(contracted to: National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences)
2327 Englert Drive.
Suite 200
Durham, NC 27713
    Voice: (919)361-9422, extension 239
      FAX: (919)544-6642
Received on Thu Jun 13 1996 - 21:47:41 NZST

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