Summary - Disklabel Rescue

From: Alan Ford <>
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 1996 09:07:01 +0000

Thanks to those who replied (and are yet to reply) especially the
following : (good first name......)

The main problem was that I could'nt write an initial disklabel to disk.

This was solved by the following command

disklabel -rw rzb2 hsz40

I didn't know that the hsz40 was in /etc/disktab (hang my head in
shame) :(

Then it was a simple matter of recovering the correct disklabel from
a file with this command

disklabel -R rxb2 diskrzb2

Now things are hunky dory...

Again Thanks

Alf /\ |||| /\
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Received on Fri Jun 21 1996 - 01:25:04 NZST

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