DECnsr upgrade steps & patch OSF350-146

From: Hellebo Knut <>
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 1996 15:00:39 +0200

Regards managers,

Question #1
We are planning to upgrade our DECnsr server software to 3.2. I have
searched through the online documents but have not been able to find the
appropriate steps on how to perform an upgrade and not a complete
installation. Either am I partially blind or the online docs are
Anyone got any hints on how to/where to look ?

Question #2
We have installed patch OSF350-146 which addresses some network problems
encountered by heavy traffic web servers. Among other things this patch is
supposed to contain some tcp tuning variables (e.g.
tcp_rexmit_interval_min) but I'm not able to find any subsystem (via
sysconfig -q) in which these variables belong. The README file accompanying
the patch does not emphasize this either. So: where to edit to alter these
variables ?

      *         Knut Helleboe                    | DAMN GOOD COFFEE !! *
      *         Norsk Hydro a.s                  | (and hot too)       *
      * Phone: +47 55 996870, Fax: +47 55 996342 |                     *
      * Pager: +47 96 500718                     |                     *
      * E-mail:       | Dale Cooper, FBI    *
Received on Wed Jun 26 1996 - 15:28:05 NZST

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