As I was attempting to set up the packet filter option in the kernel on my
new 2k 4/275 running DU 3.2c, I received the following error while
doconfig was attempting to make the kernel:
Makefile:920: *** Recursive variable `target_machine' references itself
(eventually). Stop.
I commented out the makefile's def of $target_machine, and made it simply
ALPHA, and the compilation continued on until I received this error:
Makefile:1004: *** Recursive variable `current_machine' references itself
(eventually). Stop.
I fixed this definition as well, tried to compile again and got a very
similiar error. I kept fixing these errors until I got frustrated, as my
fix isn't very elegant and I'm sure there's a better solution. So,
anyone seen this before and aware the cause and fix?
I apologize if this issue has been discussed previously, however I
attempted to search the archives before posting, and was unable to
find information that pertains to my problem.
--- Brian Merritt
Unix Systems Administrator GetNet International ___
Received on Sat Jul 06 1996 - 02:09:07 NZST