Yesterday, I've added some hardware to my 2 alpha servers 2100. One of these
is a backup server which is booted but not actually doing anything useful
(Waiting for our system to come into production)
To my surprise, I noticed that the date was missing a day and a couple of
hours on this particular server. I did not worry as digital installed the
"clock" patch on that server. I said to myself that maybe the date has
always been misadjusted on that server (It was factory configured)
This morning, on of my DATABASE user phoned me and told me that the date on
my development server (which is HEAVILY used) was misadjusted !
I did never reset the date, all I did was a couple of reboots for rebuilding
my kernel after adding the hardware...
Looks like a "resurection" of the dreaded "clock" bug. Has anyone noticed it
too ? How can I make sure that DEC installed that PATCH ? As far as I can
tell, there is a PATCH/CLOCK directory under /usr so I told me that they
probably installed the patch if they bothered to put it on the system !
Again, Thanks !
P.S.: How do I change the TimeZone on my system ? Do I have to rebuild the
kernel ? (They have set the wrong time zone at the factory and they have not
put the daylight saving time...)
Received on Wed Jul 10 1996 - 16:12:11 NZST