Telnet to DECserver 90TL

From: Mak Andrew <>
Date: 12 Jul 96 14:56 HDT

Hello all,

Just wonder there is anyone who succeed in telnet to a DECserver 90TL in a
script. When ftp in a script, I can use a here document to include all the
commands I want to issue to the remote machine. But telnet to a machine does
not get pass the initial stage, anyone get any idea?

The script below is what I use to try to telnet

     telnet TERMINAL_SERVER << EOF
     broadcast po 1 "Hello"

and I get the following result

     Connected to TERMINAL_SERVER
     Escape character is '^]'.
     Connection closed by foreign host.

It seems that I have connected to the server but somehow it fails to go
further. Any idea please email to me directly on

and I will summarise.

Thank you in advance.

Andrew Mak
Received on Fri Jul 12 1996 - 07:18:46 NZST

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