I have just ported everything over from a 3B2-1000 Sys V to a Alpha 1000
running Du3.2CD. Boy is this thing much faster! My problem is this
though. Because of budget constraints we are forced to use a lot of dumb
terminals. Mostly I have HP 700/32's. On the Alpha though, when I edit a
file, vi turns local echo on and doesnt turn it back off when you leave
the editor. So once you leave the editor you get everything you typed
echoed back to you. So if you type the word edit you would get eeddiitt.
This only happens with the dumb terminals though, not with the PC's
emulating vt320's. If I set the terminal to emulate a vt100 everything is
Any ideas?
Darryl Cook | e-mail -- pgmr_at_ppalf.appstate.edu
Applications Programmer II | phone -- (704)-262-3190 x107
Appalachian State University | fax -- (704)-262-4017
265 Dale Street |
Boone, NC 28608 |
Received on Fri Jul 19 1996 - 15:01:11 NZST