I managed to set up a dial-in modem on my alphas. I can now connect at 9600 bps.
I'm using 14400 modems and I would like to take advantage of the speed of
these modems (compression, error corrections, etc...)
I tried to edit the /etc/getttydefs file ajnd modify the 9600 by 14400 (Also
tried 19200 because I think maybe this is the speed between the MODEM and
the POST that I specified there...)
Also modified the inittab and arranged to have it restart the getty with the
NEW modem config. (I noticed that in order for 'init q' to work (I mean,
re-read the inittab section I modified), you have to comment out the inittab
entry, use init 1, remove the comment and use init q again)
Forced the modem to use a 14400 connexion (Initialized the modem)
If I use 19200 in the /etc/gettydefs: I get garbage and nothing works
If I use 14000: It drops automatically to 9600
Any Idea ? Is it feasible ?
Received on Mon Jul 22 1996 - 22:47:01 NZST