The responces I got back basically confirmed what I had expected. A drive
being used by the raid controller cannot be moved to a non-raid controller
without losing the date it contains.
And: plugging a drive into a live SCSI chain with a non-raid controller,
although possible, is not recommended and can cause bad things to happen!
Thanks to the following people:
"Schuhl, Robert" <>
Roger Joss <>
-Andrew C. Saylor, Systems Admin, ComSource Inc.
acs> Here's the situation. We have a Alpha 2100 running 3.2b. It has both the
acs>standard SCSI and a SWXCR 200 Raid Controller in it. When installing rz28
acs>(2 gig) drives in the Raid slots, they require a low-level format by the
acs>controller. If we later decide to move this drive to a NON-raid controller
acs>will all the data be preserved? Or is the low-level formatting from tha
acs>RAID controller not compatible with the standard SCSI controller?
acs>Also: We are installing a rz29 (4 gig drive) in the machine as well. The
acs>DEC engineer claims the the drive can be plugged into the non-raid SCSI
acs>slots wihtout powering the system down or even stopping the operating
acs>system. Is this true???
Received on Tue Jul 30 1996 - 20:34:14 NZST