Q: Kernel panic - machine check 0x670 - hardware error

Date: Mon, 19 Aug 96 11:33:00 EDT

     Thats' the essence of what I had happen several days ago (the machine
     had been running for 64 days). I found in the archives for this forum
     a discussion about bad SIMM's leading to a simlar message (although
     the specific code was not mentioned), but I would not think either of
     my 2 32MB SIMM's would only fail once in 8 months -- ??
     Following are the uerf ouput and crash-data.0 file (BTW, I'm puzzled
     why the crash-data.o file has a bunch of messages about the /misc fs
     being full -- before and after the crash it has had around 140MB
     available, although holding the /users -- about 4 or 5 active with
     Oracle db development and/or Web browsing ;-} -- directories it could
     get filled at any time since I don't have quotas enabled, however,
     /tmp and oracle are in separate fs's -- ??).
     Rory O'Connor
     Reply-To: rory_o'connor_at_us.wfl.com
     usaxplj/root >uerf -R -o full -t s:15-aug-1996,17:00:00
                                                       uerf version 4.2-011
     ********************************* ENTRY 1. ***********************
     ----- EVENT INFORMATION -----
     OCCURRED/LOGGED ON Thu Aug 15 19:44:15 1996
     SYSTEM ID x0006000D CPU TYPE: DEC 7000
     SYSTYPE x00000000
     MESSAGE panic (cpu 0): Machine check -
                                              _Hardware error
     ********************************* ENTRY 2. ***********************
     ----- EVENT INFORMATION -----
     OCCURRED/LOGGED ON Thu Aug 15 19:44:15 1996
     SYSTEM ID x0006000D CPU TYPE: DEC 7000
     SYSTYPE x00000000
     ----- UNIT INFORMATION -----
# Crash Data Collection (Version 1.4)
_crash_data_collection_time: Thu Aug 15 19:50:21 EDT 1996
_current_directory: /
_crash_kernel: /var/adm/crash/vmunix.0
_crash_core: /var/adm/crash/vmcore.0
_crash_arch: alpha
_crash_os: Digital UNIX
_host_version: Digital UNIX V3.2C (Rev. 148); Thu Feb 1 17:54:31 EST 1996
_crash_version: Digital UNIX V3.2C (Rev. 148); Thu Feb 1 17:54:31 EST 1996
_crashtime: struct {
    tv_sec = 840152655
    tv_usec = 311344
_boottime: struct {
    tv_sec = 834587541
    tv_usec = 491904
_config: struct {
    sysname = "OSF1"
    nodename = "usaxp1j.glaxo.com"
    release = "V3.2"
    version = "148"
    machine = "alpha"
_cpu: 37
_system_string: 0xffffffffff8009e8 = "AlphaStation 200 4/233"
_ncpus: 1
_avail_cpus: 1
_partial_dump: 1
_physmem(MBytes): 63
_panic_string: 0xfffffc00004f1010 = "Machine check - Hardware error"
_paniccpu: 0
_panic_thread: 0xfffffc000225fb80
struct {
    msg_magic = 0x63061
    msg_bufx = 0x88a
    msg_bufr = 0xfdb
    msg_bufc = "ine check type 0x670.
Machine check abort
  retry = 0x0
  mchk_code = 0x92
  paltemp[1] = 0x4000e000
  paltemp[2] = 0x4
  paltemp[3] = 0x546c3b
  paltemp[4] = 0x2400020
  paltemp[5] = 0x0
  paltemp[6] = 0x1
  paltemp[7] = 0x4200
  paltemp[8] = 0x400
  paltemp[9] = 0x0
  paltemp[10] = 0x3e6aa0
  paltemp[11] = 0x0
  paltemp[12] = 0x3e6e40
  paltemp[13] = 0x3e6e70
  paltemp[14] = 0x3e6ed0
  paltemp[15] = 0x3e6c40
  paltemp[16] = 0x3e6950
  paltemp[17] = 0x0
  paltemp[18] = 0x1ffffb20
  paltemp[19] = 0x842c7a58
  paltemp[20] = 0x5202b0
  paltemp[21] = 0x0
  paltemp[22] = 0x727a7a7a
  paltemp[23] = 0x40
  paltemp[24] = 0x0
  paltemp[25] = 0x10000
  paltemp[26] = 0x0
  paltemp[27] = 0x0
  paltemp[28] = 0x345c000
  paltemp[29] = 0x0
  paltemp[30] = 0x1
  paltemp[31] = 0x3ac9a58
  exc_addr = 0x80343c22
  exc_sum = 0x0
  msk = 0x0
  pal_base = 0x14000
  hirr = 0x0
  hier = 0x14f0
  mm_csr = 0x1680
  va = 0x6170
  biu_addr = 0x3856f40
  biu_stat = 0x1440
  dc_addr = 0xffffffff
  fill_adr = 0x3856f40
  dc_stat = 0x3
  fill_syndrome = 0x1
  bc_tag = 0x403813
  coma_gcr = 0x7fb200a4
  coma_edsr = 0x7fb2a140
  coma_ter = 0x6fb1fff8
  coma_elar = 0x6fb10000
  coma_ehar = 0x6fb10800
  coma_ldlr = 0x6fb16310
  coma_ldhr = 0x6fb10018
  coma_base0 = 0x6fb10000
  coma_base1 = 0x6fb10080
  coma_base2 = 0x47ff0000
  coma_cnfg0 = 0x47ff004b
  coma_cnfg1 = 0x47ff004b
  coma_cnfg2 = 0x47ff0000
  epic_dcsr = 0x8008001d
  epic_pear = 0x804f00
  epic_sear = 0xf93e10
  epic_tbr1 = 0x2ef000
  epic_tbr2 = 0x0
  epic_pbr1 = 0x8c0000
  epic_pbr2 = 0x40080000
  epic_pmr1 = 0x700000
  epic_pmr2 = 0x3ff00000
  epic_harx1 = 0x80000000
  epic_harx2 = 0x0
  epic_pmlt = 0xff
  epic_tag0 = 0x812000
  epic_tag1 = 0x814000
  epic_tag2 = 0x804000
  epic_tag3 = 0x801000
  epic_tag4 = 0x807000
  epic_tag5 = 0x803000
  epic_tag6 = 0x805000
  epic_tag7 = 0x802000
  epic_data0 = 0x3066
  epic_data1 = 0x36e8
  epic_data2 = 0x576
  epic_data3 = 0x572
  epic_data4 = 0x578
  epic_data5 = 0x574
  epic_data6 = 0x576
  epic_data7 = 0x574
panic (cpu 0): Machine check - Hardware error
syncing disks... DUMP.prom: dev SCSI 0 6 0 5 500 0 0, block 131072
DUMP.prom: dev SCSI 0 6 0 5 500 0 0, block 131072
ile system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>/misc: file system full
<3>rz1: using ULTRIX partition info found on disk.
<3>rz1: using ULTRIX partition info found on disk.
Alpha PC mach"
00000 kernel idle
00001 init
00009 kloadsrv
29723 maid.OSF1V2.0.re
00028 vold
10272 tnslsnr
00054 update
07234 lpd
12384 xterm
00154 syslogd
00156 binlogd
31926 xdm
13497 xdm
00192 dxpause
03269 oraweb
29899 oraweb
03277 maid.OSF1V2.0.re
00208 routed
12508 xterm
28915 csh
00265 telnetd
00271 ksh
00283 portmap
00285 nfsiod
00286 nfsiod
00287 nfsiod
00288 nfsiod
00289 nfsiod
00290 nfsiod
00291 nfsiod
14644 nsrd
14651 nsrmmdbd
00329 dxconsole
14671 nsrmmd
31056 smbd
00341 sendmail
14679 nsrindexd
00345 sh
32093 smbd
00359 dxsession
00386 dxterm
00389 snmpd
00391 dxclock
00424 inetd
00429 cron
32202 ksh
00465 smbd
00467 nmbd
12762 ksh
12779 iostat
01557 csh
00534 getty
00536 getty
32352 smbd
32364 telnetd
32393 csh
01712 more
14006 dxsession
14007 Xsession
14011 ksh
00721 telnetd
14035 sh
14036 dxconsole
14038 top
14040 ksh
14041 mwm
14044 dxterm
32480 telnetd
01786 telnet
00770 csh
00778 telnetd
27411 oracle
00793 getty
30506 oracle
30548 oracle
13145 Xdec
30568 oracle
32626 csh
32633 dxterm
01922 lynx
30605 Xsession
30614 mwm
29635 oracle
05113 xdm
_current_pid: 192
_current_tid: 0xfffffc000225fb80
thread 0xfffffc000225fb80 stopped at [boot:1735 ,0xfffffc00003e9dbc] Source
not avail
> 0 boot(0x0, 0x4, 0x20000088, 0x24000388, 0x1)
dep.c":1735, 0xfffffc00003e9dbc]
   1 panic(s = 0xfffffc00004e6740 = "thread_block: interrupt level call")
rc/kernel/bsd/subr_prf.c":673, 0xfffffc00003aa868]
pcpu = 0x1
i = 5374640
bootopt = 3841340
mycpu = 1
spl = 5
prevcc = 516
nextcc = 0
timer = -4398042669800
limit = -4398041368872
   2 thread_block() ["../../../../src/kernel/kern/sched_prim.c":1740,
thread = 0xfffffc000225fb80
new_thread = 0xfffffc000225fb80
mycpu = 0
myprocessor = (nil)
s = 5
pset = 0xfffffc00003df024
prev = 0x670
   3 thread_preempt(thread = 0xfffffc000225fb80, processor =
0xfffffc0000148100) ["../../
../../src/kernel/kern/sched_prim.c":3465, 0xfffffc00003df03c]
s = 2
pri = 4103280
pset = 0xfffffc0000556ed8
   4 boot(0x0, 0x0, 0xfffffc00004f1010, 0x16, 0x34)
achdep.c":1679, 0xfffffc00003e9c94]
   5 panic(s = 0xfffffc00004f1010 = "Machine check - Hardware error")
ernel/bsd/subr_prf.c":757, 0xfffffc00003aaa24]
pcpu = 0xfffffc00005be030
i = 4256900
bootopt = 7
mycpu = 1
spl = 7
prevcc = 18446739675663065104
nextcc = 18446739675663065088
timer = -4398042253920
limit = 4072
   6 kn25_machcheck(0x670, 0xfffffc0000006000, 0xffffffff842c7950, 0x11ffffbc8,
0x0) ["..
/../../../src/kernel/arch/alpha/hal/kn25.c":1191, 0xfffffc000040f5a8]
   7 mach_error(0xffffffff842c4000, 0xfffffc0000006000, 0xffffffff842c7950,
0x7, 0x3) [".
./../../../src/kernel/arch/alpha/hal/cpusw.c":795, 0xfffffc00004055b4]
   8 _XentInt(0x8, 0x3ff80343c20, 0x1400089d0, 0x140015900, 0x2400020)
kernel/arch/alpha/locore.s":997, 0xfffffc00003e6bac]
warning: Files compiled -g3: parameter values probably wrong
thread 0xfffffc0003fce000 stopped at [thread_run:2274 ,0xfffffc00003dd284]
 Source n
ot available
thread 0xfffffc0003fce400 stopped at [thread_block:1891
Source not available
thread 0xfffffc0003f8e800 stopped at [thread_block:1891
Source not available
thread 0xfffffc0003f8ec00 stopped at [thread_block:1891
Source not available
thread 0xfffffc0003f8f000 stopped at [thread_block:1891
Source not available
thread 0xfffffc0003f8f400 stopped at [thread_block:1891
Source not available
thread 0xfffffc0003f8f800 stopped at [thread_block:1891
Source not available
thread 0xfffffc0003ece400 stopped at [thread_block:1891
Source not available
thread 0xfffffc0003ece800 stopped at [thread_block:1906 ,0xfffffc00003dca98]
 Source n
ot available
thread 0xfffffc0003ecec00 stopped at [thread_block:1891
Source not available
thread 0xfffffc0003ecf000 stopped at [thread_block:1891
Source not available
thread 0xfffffc0003ecf400 stopped at [thread_block:1906 ,0xfffffc00003dca98]
 Source n
ot available
thread 0xfffffc0003ecf800 stopped at [thread_block:1891
Source not available
thread 0xfffffc0003ecfc00 stopped at [thread_block:1891
Source not available
thread 0xfffffc0003a92000 stopped at [thread_block:1891
Source not available
thread 0xfffffc0003a92c00 stopped at [thread_block:1906 ,0xfffffc00003dca98]
 Source n
ot available
thread 0xfffffc0003f8fc00 stopped at [thread_block:1906 ,0xfffffc00003dca98]
 Source n
ot available
_savedefp: (nil)
struct {
    fault_va = 0x0
    fault_pc = 0x0
    fault_ra = 0x0
    fault_sp = 0x0
    access = 0x0
    status = 0x0
    cpunum = 0x0
    count = 0x0
    pcb = (nil)
    thread = (nil)
    task = (nil)
    proc = (nil)
Invalid character in input
_uptime: 1545.86 hours
paniccpu: 0x0
machine_slot[paniccpu]: struct {
    is_cpu = 0x1
    cpu_type = 0xf
    cpu_subtype = 0xd
    running = 0x1
    cpu_ticks = {
        [0] 0x39e7095
        [1] 0x4adefd
        [2] 0x89347af
        [3] 0x1340c9bee
        [4] 0x1321ba10
    clock_freq = 0x400
    error_restart = 0x0
    cpu_panicstr = 0xfffffc00004f1010 = "Machine check - Hardware error"
    cpu_panic_thread = 0xfffffc000225fb80
tset machine_slot[paniccpu].cpu_panic_thread:
Begin Trace for machine_slot[paniccpu].cpu_panic_thread:
> 0 boot(0x0, 0x4, 0x20000088, 0x24000388, 0x1)
dep.c":1735, 0xfffffc00003e9dbc]
   1 panic(s = 0xfffffc00004e6740 = "thread_block: interrupt level call")
rc/kernel/bsd/subr_prf.c":673, 0xfffffc00003aa868]
   2 thread_block() ["../../../../src/kernel/kern/sched_prim.c":1740,
   3 thread_preempt(thread = 0xfffffc000225fb80, processor =
0xfffffc0000148100) ["../../
../../src/kernel/kern/sched_prim.c":3465, 0xfffffc00003df03c]
   4 boot(0x0, 0x0, 0xfffffc00004f1010, 0x16, 0x34)
achdep.c":1679, 0xfffffc00003e9c94]
   5 panic(s = 0xfffffc00004f1010 = "Machine check - Hardware error")
ernel/bsd/subr_prf.c":757, 0xfffffc00003aaa24]
   6 kn25_machcheck(0x670, 0xfffffc0000006000, 0xffffffff842c7950, 0x11ffffbc8,
0x0) ["..
/../../../src/kernel/arch/alpha/hal/kn25.c":1191, 0xfffffc000040f5a8]
   7 mach_error(0xffffffff842c4000, 0xfffffc0000006000, 0xffffffff842c7950,
0x7, 0x3) [".
./../../../src/kernel/arch/alpha/hal/cpusw.c":795, 0xfffffc00004055b4]
   8 _XentInt(0x8, 0x3ff80343c20, 0x1400089d0, 0x140015900, 0x2400020)
kernel/arch/alpha/locore.s":997, 0xfffffc00003e6bac]
End Trace for machine_slot[paniccpu].cpu_panic_thread:
"cpu_data" is not an array
> 0 boot(0x0, 0x4, 0x20000088, 0x24000388, 0x1)
dep.c":1735, 0xfffffc00003e9dbc]
   1 panic(s = 0xfffffc00004e6740 = "thread_block: interrupt level call")
rc/kernel/bsd/subr_prf.c":673, 0xfffffc00003aa868]
   2 thread_block() ["../../../../src/kernel/kern/sched_prim.c":1740,
   3 thread_preempt(thread = 0xfffffc000225fb80, processor =
0xfffffc0000148100) ["../../
../../src/kernel/kern/sched_prim.c":3465, 0xfffffc00003df03c]
   4 boot(0x0, 0x0, 0xfffffc00004f1010, 0x16, 0x34)
achdep.c":1679, 0xfffffc00003e9c94]
   5 panic(s = 0xfffffc00004f1010 = "Machine check - Hardware error")
ernel/bsd/subr_prf.c":757, 0xfffffc00003aaa24]
   6 kn25_machcheck(0x670, 0xfffffc0000006000, 0xffffffff842c7950, 0x11ffffbc8,
0x0) ["..
/../../../src/kernel/arch/alpha/hal/kn25.c":1191, 0xfffffc000040f5a8]
   7 mach_error(0xffffffff842c4000, 0xfffffc0000006000, 0xffffffff842c7950,
0x7, 0x3) [".
./../../../src/kernel/arch/alpha/hal/cpusw.c":795, 0xfffffc00004055b4]
   8 _XentInt(0x8, 0x3ff80343c20, 0x1400089d0, 0x140015900, 0x2400020)
kernel/arch/alpha/locore.s":997, 0xfffffc00003e6bac]
/usr/bin/crashdc: /bin/kdbx: not found
--------------- Start RFC822 Headers ---------------
Received on Mon Aug 19 1996 - 19:14:25 NZST

This archive was generated by hypermail 2.4.0 : Wed Nov 08 2023 - 11:53:46 NZDT