PLeased to report that points 2 and 3 now resolved courtesy of DEC
Support Basingstoke (prodded by the fact that the engineer in question's
terminal wouldn't start DECterm either!)
Kill the file DXterm in the $HOME directory. Then launch DECterm. It
will recreate a new default file which can then be customised.
I didn't say that DEC had provided us with a 2 button not three button
mouse. The solution is to move the action of the middle button to that
of the right with XMODMAP (I think I said xmodmap "pointer = 1 3 2" or
Thanks to Marie-Claude Vialatte for saying that the middle button pasted.
Any offers on the mail domain?
Stuart McKenzie
Received on Wed Aug 21 1996 - 16:35:24 NZST