Sendmail/popd/NIS/mh problem - HELP!!!!!!!!

From: Rasana Atreya <>
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 1996 08:24:34 PDT


I confess my ignorance- I really do not understand what's going on. I do know
this question might not neccesarily belong on this list, but humor me, I'm
desparate, okay?

Mail server: (with popd through mh mail - does that make sense?)- Sparc 10
           : Berkeley's sendmail (don't know exact version -BOSS is on a cruise)
           : SunOS 4.1.3_U
           : name: athena
           : is also our NIS master

        -- Email corruption (mail being appended to)

        -- We have aliases of the format
        admin:a, b
        admin: :include:/var/mailalias/admin
        When email is sent to admin in format 1, the people on the list
        receive email *all* the time. When the second format (include) is used,
        they get it only some of the time (problem started only last week after
        BOSS left on vacation; and NO I did not mess around).

        -- Some machines do not recognize the second format anymore, example:
        On client1:
        /usr/lib/sendmail -v -bv admin
        admin... aliased to :include:/var/mailalias/admin
        :include:/var/mailalias/admin... including file /var/mailalias/admin
        :include:/var/mailalias/admin... Cannot open /var/mailalias/admin:
        No such file or directory
        admin... aliasing/forwarding loop broken
        On client2:
        /usr/lib/sendmail -v -bv admin
        admin... deliverable: mailer TCPrelay, host,
        user admin

        On Sun's advice, I installed patches 103667-01 and 102980-07 on the
        problem client, but it was of no help.

        -- /var/spool/mail on mail server, has an additional file
        "". I've never seen this before. Yes, these users are the
        ones having problems with the include format, and email corruption
        mentioned above. I deleted them, and problems continue.
        -- /var/adm/messages on my mail server:
        Aug 22 08:23:01 athena sendmail[1366]: gethostbyaddr: kingcrab.informix
        .com != 1
        Aug 22 08:23:01 athena sendmail[1366]: gethostbyaddr: kingcrab.informix
        .com != 1
        Aug 22 12:19:21 athena popd[5546]: lost connection
        Aug 22 12:19:35 athena popd[5548]: lost connection
        Aug 22 12:20:22 athena popd[5554]: lost connection
        Aug 22 12:20:35 athena popd[5555]: lost connection
        Aug 22 12:22:51 athena popd[5569]: lost connection
        Aug 22 12:22:57 athena popd[5570]: lost connection
        Aug 22 12:23:25 athena popd[5574]: lost connection
        Aug 22 12:23:43 athena popd[5581]: lost connection
        Aug 22 12:24:06 athena popd[5588]: lost connection
        Aug 22 12:27:12 athena popd[5659]: lost connection
        Aug 22 12:46:06 athena popd[5901]: lost connection
        Aug 22 13:11:00 athena mail_not: error No such file or directory
        Aug 22 13:16:01 athena mail_not: error No such file or directory
        Aug 22 13:21:02 athena mail_not: error No such file or directory
        Aug 22 13:26:02 athena mail_not: error No such file or directory
        Aug 22 13:31:02 athena mail_not: error No such file or directory
        Aug 22 13:36:01 athena mail_not: error No such file or directory

I do not subscribe to this list, so will you please email me directly?
I will summarize.

Thanks much,

~ Rasana Atreya Voice: (415) 476-3623 ~
~ System Administrator Fax: (415) 476-4653 ~
~ Library & Ctr for Knowledge Mgnt, Univ. of California at San Francisco ~
~ 530 Parnassus Ave, Box 0840, San Francisco, CA 94143-0840 ~
Received on Fri Aug 23 1996 - 17:50:08 NZST

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