Dear Managers,
I'am puzzled with this problem. We have an Alphastation 500 with DU4.0.
We had a lot of problems compiling user codes which were running under DU3.2D.
For this reason we tryed installing and uninstalling Fortran compilers and math libraries
until we got them running.
Now I was trying to install PHIGS (run timpe) on the system (which I had done but was one
of those packages which got unintalled in the process of solving the compiling problems).
But I get a very puzzling error message:
You are installing the following optional subsets:
Digital PHIGS V4.1 Manual Pages
Digital PHIGS V4.1 Run-Time-Only Kit
Is this correct? (y/n): y
Checking file system space required to install selected subsets:
File system space checked OK.
2 subset(s) will be installed.
Loading 1 of 2 subset(s)....
Missing Dependencies, Requires Digital UNIX V3.0 or higher
setld: Installation declined by subset control program (PRE_L). "Digital PHIGS V4.1
Run-Time-Only Kit" (PHRTO410) will not be loaded.
Loading 1 of 2 subset(s)....
Missing Dependencies, Requires PHRTO410 kit be installed
setld: Installation declined by subset control program (PRE_L). "Digital PHIGS V4.1
Manual Pages" (PHRMAN410) will not be loaded.
0 of 2 subset(s) installed successfully.
Now, as our operating system IS DU4.0, setld does not give the right error message. I have
been browsing the documentation of the PHIGS but have not found the possible missing
dependencies. Has anyone any idea or has had this problem or knows how to find out what is
really missing?
This is the output of "setld -i"
Subset Status Description
------ ------ -----------
AFAADVANCED320 POLYCENTER Advanced File System Utilities(General
AFAADVANCED400 installed POLYCENTER Advanced File System Advanced Utilities(General
AFAADVDAEMON400 installed POLYCENTER Advanced File System Daemon(General
AFAADVGUI320 POLYCENTER Advanced File System GUI(General Applications)
AFAADVGUI400 installed POLYCENTER Advanced File System Graphical User
Interface(General Applications)
AFAADVMAN320 POLYCENTER Advanced File System Utilities Reference
Pages(General Applications)
AFAADVMAN400 installed POLYCENTER Advanced File System Advanced Utilities
Reference Pages(General Applications)
CMPDEVALT400 installed Alternative Compiler Tools Suite. See the README file in
the subset.(Software Development)
CMPDEVENH400 installed Development Enhancements for Digital UNIX(Software
DFABASE380 installed DEC Fortran V3.8 for OSF/1 AXP Systems
DFACOM380 installed DEC Fortran V3.8 Tools & their Man Pages
DFADOC380 installed DEC Fortran V3.8 Release Notes
DFARTL360 installed DEC Fortran for OSF/1 AXP Runtime Support
DFARTL369 installed Digital Fortran RTL #369 for Digital UNIX Alpha
F9ABASE200 installed DEC Fortran 90 V2.0 for OSF/1 AXP Systems
F9ADOC200 installed DEC Fortran 90 V2.0 Release Notes and Man Page
KPFBASE220 installed KAP for DEC Fortran for Digital Unix Optimizer
OSFACCT400 installed System Accounting Utilities (System Administration)
OSFADVFS400 installed POLYCTR advfs (System Administration)
OSFADVFSBIN400 installed POLYCTR advfs Kernel Modules (Kernel Build Environment)
OSFADVFSBINOBJECT400 POLYCTR advfs Kernel Objects (Kernel Software Development)
OSFAFM400 installed Adobe Font Metric Files (Printing Environment)
OSFATMBASE400 ATM Commands (Network-Server/Communications)
OSFATMBIN400 ATM Kernel Modules (Kernel Build Environment)
OSFATMBINCOM400 ATM Kernel Header and Common Files (Kernel Build
OSFATMBINOBJECT400 ATM Kernel Objects (Kernel Software Development)
OSFBASE400 installed Base System (- Required -)
OSFBIN400 installed Standard Kernel Modules (Kernel Build Environment)
OSFBINCOM400 installed Kernel Header and Common Files (Kernel Build Environment)
OSFBINOBJECT400 Standard Kernel Objects (Kernel Software Development)
OSFC2SEC400 installed C2-Security (System Administration)
OSFCDAPGMR400 installed CDA(tm) Software Development (Software Development)
OSFCDEAPPS400 installed CDE Additional Applications (Windows Applications)
OSFCDEDEV400 CDE Software Development and Programming Examples(Software
OSFCDEDT400 installed CDE Desktop Environment (Windowing Environment)
OSFCDEMAIL400 installed CDE Mail Interface (Mail Applications)
OSFCDEMANOP400 Ref Pages: CDE Development (Reference Pages)
OSFCDEMANOS400 installed Ref Pages: CDE Admin/User (Reference Pages)
OSFCDEMIN400 installed CDE Minimum Runtime Environment (Windowing Environment)
OSFCLINET400 installed Basic Networking Services (Network-Server/Communications)
OSFCMPLRS400 installed Compiler Back End (Software Development)
OSFCTABLOC400 Obsolete Locale databases (System Administration)
OSFDCMT400 installed Doc. Preparation Tools (Text Processing)
OSFDCMTEXT400 installed Doc. Preparation Tools Extensions (Text Processing)
OSFDECW400 installed Additional DECwindows Applications (Windows Applications)
OSFDMS400 Dataless Management Services
OSFDOSTOOLS400 installed DOS tools (General Applications)
OSFDPSFONT400 installed Adobe Fonts (Windowing Environment)
OSFEMACS400 GNU Emacs (General Applications)
OSFEURLOC400 Single-Byte European Locales (System Administration)
OSFEXAMPLES400 Programming Examples (Software Development)
OSFEXER400 System Exercisers (System Administration)
OSFFONT15400 installed DECwindows 100dpi Fonts (Windowing Environment)
OSFFONT400 DECwindows 75dpi Fonts (Windowing Environment)
OSFHWBASE400 installed Base System - Hardware Support (- Required -)
OSFHWBIN400 installed Hardware Kernel Modules (Kernel Build Environment)
OSFHWBINCOM400 installed Hardware Kernel Header and Common Files(Kernel Build
OSFHWBINOBJECT400 Hardware Kernel Objects (Kernel Software Development)
OSFINCLUDE400 installed Standard Header Files (Software Development)
OSFINET400 installed Additional Networking Services
OSFKBDLK201400 LK201 Keyboard Support (Windowing Environment)
OSFKBDLK401400 LK401 Keyboard Support (Windowing Environment)
OSFKBDLK411400 LK411 Keyboard Support (Windowing Environment)
OSFKBDLK421400 LK421 Keyboard Support (Windowing Environment)
OSFKBDLK444400 LK444 Keyboard Support (Windowing Environment)
OSFKBDPCXAL400 installed PCXAL Keyboard Support (Windowing Environment)
OSFKTOOLS400 Kernel Debugging Tools (System Administration)
OSFLAT400 Local Area Transport (LAT) (General Applications)
OSFLDBBASE400 installed Ladebug Debugger Version 4.0-19 (Software Development)
OSFLDBDOC400 installed Ladebug Debugger Version 4.0-19 Release Notes(Software
OSFLDBGUI400 installed Ladebug Debugger Window Interface (Software Development)
OSFLDBSRV400 Ladebug Debugger remote server (Software Development)
OSFLEARN400 Computer Aided System Tutor (General Applications)
OSFLIBA400 installed Static Libraries (Software Development)
OSFLSMBASE400 installed Logical Storage Manager (System Administration)
OSFLSMBIN400 installed Logical Storage Manager Kernel Modules(Kernel Build
OSFLSMBINCOM400 installed Logical Storage Manager Kernel Header and Common
Files(Kernel Build Environment)
OSFLSMBINOBJECT400 Logical Storage Manager Kernel Objects(Kernel Software
OSFLSMX11400 installed Logical Storage Manager GUI (System Administration)
OSFLVM400 installed Logical Volume Manager (System Administration)
OSFMANOP400 installed Ref Pages: Programming (Reference Pages)
OSFMANOS400 installed Ref Pages: Admin/User (Reference Pages)
OSFMANRT400 installed Ref Pages: Realtime (Reference Pages)
OSFMANWOP400 Ref Pages: Windows Programming (Reference Pages)
OSFMANWOS400 installed Ref Pages: Windows Admin/User (Reference Pages)
OSFMH400 RAND Corp. Mail Handler (MH) (Mail Applications)
OSFMITFONT400 installed X Fonts (Windowing Environment)
OSFMOTIF11400 X/Motif 1.1 (Windowing Environment)
OSFNETCONF400 installed Basic Networking Configuration Applications(System
OSFNETSCAPE400 installed Netscape Navigator V1.12I (Windows Applications)
OSFNFS400 installed NFS(tm) Utilities (Network-Server/Communications)
OSFNFSCONF400 installed NFS(tm) Configuration Application (System Administration)
OSFOBSOLETE400 Obsolete Commands and Utilities (System Administration)
OSFOLDDECW400 Old Additional DECwindows Applications(Windows
OSFOLDX11400 installed Old X Environment (Windowing Environment)
OSFPGMR400 installed Standard Programmer Commands (Software Development)
OSFPRINT400 installed Local Printer Support (Printing Environment)
OSFRCS400 GNU Revision Control System (Software Development)
OSFRIS400 Remote Installation Service
OSFRTDEV400 Realtime Software Development (Software Development)
OSFSCCS400 Source Code Control System (Software Development)
OSFSDE400 installed Software Development Tools and Utilities(Software
OSFSDECDE400 installed Software Development Desktop Environment(Software
OSFSER3D400 X Servers for Open3D (Windowing Environment)
OSFSER400 installed X Servers Base (Windowing Environment)
OSFSERPC400 installed X Servers for PCbus (Windowing Environment)
OSFSERTC400 X Servers for TurboChannel (Windowing Environment)
OSFSVID2400 installed UNIX(tm) SVID2 Compatibility (General Applications)
OSFSYSMAN400 installed Base System Management Applications and Utilities(System
OSFTCLBASE400 installed Tcl Commands (General Applications)
OSFTERM400 Additional Terminfo databases (General Applications)
OSFTKBASE400 installed Tk Toolkit Commands (General Applications)
OSFUUCP400 UNIX(tm) to UNIX(tm) Copy Facility (General Applications)
OSFX11400 installed Basic X Environment (Windowing Environment)
OSFXADMIN400 installed Graphical System Administration Utilities(System
OSFXC2SEC400 installed C2-Security GUI (System Administration)
OSFXCDADEV400 installed CDA(tm) for X/Motif Development (Software Development)
OSFXDEMOS400 Demo X Applications (Windows Applications)
OSFXDEV400 installed X Window and X/Motif Software Development(Software
OSFXEXAMPLES400 X Window and X/Motif Programming Examples(Software
OSFXIEDOC400 XIE Version 5 Online Documentation (Supplemental
OSFXINCLUDE400 installed X Window and X/Motif Header Files (Software Development)
OSFXLIBA400 installed X Window and X/Motif Static Libraries(Software
OSFXMAIL400 DECwindows Mail Interface (Mail Applications)
OSFXMIT400 installed Additional X Applications (Windows Applications)
OSFXNEST400 Nested X Server (Windows Applications)
OSFXOEM400 X Customizations for OEM (Windowing Environment)
OSFXPRINT400 installed Graphical Print Configuration Application(System
OSFXSYSMAN400 installed Graphical Base System Management Utilities(System
OSFXVFB400 Virtual X Frame Buffer (Windows Applications)
OTABASE105 DEC Compiled Code Support Library
PHRJP410 Digital PHIGS V4.1 Japanese Run-Time Files
PHRMAN410 Digital PHIGS V4.1 Manual Pages
PHRTO410 Digital PHIGS V4.1 Run-Time-Only Kit
PSESHPF106 installed High Performance Fortran Scalar Libraries
PVMBASE100 Digital PVM T1.0 Base (Software Development)
PVMSUPP100 Digital PVM T1.0 Supplementary Documentation (Software
XMDLOA313 DXML 3.1 Development Kit (serial library)
XMDLOA320 installed DXML V3.2 Development Kit (serial library)
XMDMAN313 DXML Reference (man)Pages
XMDMAN320 installed DXML Reference (man)Pages
XMDPLL313 DXML 3.1 Development Kit (parallel library)
XMDPLL320 DXML V3.2 Development Kit (parallel library)
XMRLOA314 DXML 3.1 Run-Time Kit (serial library)
XMRLOA320 installed DXML V3.2 Run-Time Kit (serial library)
XMRPLL314 DXML 3.1 Run-Time Kit (parallel library)
XMRPLL320 DXML V3.2 Run-Time Kit (parallel library)
Thanks for any help,
Received on Wed Aug 28 1996 - 13:39:44 NZST