Summary:Disk access, ad infinitum.

From: Daniel Bowman <>
Date: Fri, 30 Aug 1996 14:11:18 -0400

Thanks to Phil Rand of Seattle Pacific U.

He didn't give me the answer but pointed me in the right direction. My
original Q is below. The answer came from running (vmstat 2) and checking
swap space. I noticed that the #'s for cow, pin and pout were extremely
high. Checking the system found init trying to run a process in /etc/inittab
that only needed to be started once. Whenever inittab succeeded in starting
a new process, the old one politely died, ad infinitum... "init's not
supposed to eat 27% of CPU..." The message from root was coincidental.


> The disk on my workstation is continuously active, (search/seeks). I've
> tried shutting down all the processes on the machine one by one to see
> if any one of them could be the culprit with no success. The only
> system actions I've taken recently is to disable both the rwhod and
> nfsd. I am using rdist to sychronize a file on the machine with another
> system but this has been running for over a month with no problems.
> This machine is also serving as a secondary DNS. There are no entries
> in the syslog.log or daemon.log files. My only clue is the error email
> sent below.
> system PRIVILEGED account wrote:
> >
> > Connection timed out
> > rdist: Check rdist availability/permissions on
> > Connection timed out
> >
> > *************************************************
> > Cron: The previous message is the standard output
> > and standard error of one of your cron commands.

Daniel Bowman
Network Systems Administrator
Information Systems, JHU-SPH

      A man said to the universe "Sir, I exist."
   "However," the universe replied, "the fact
   has not created in me a sense of obligation."
            -Stephen Crane
Received on Fri Aug 30 1996 - 20:52:41 NZST

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