Hello DU managers,
Our retailer told us yesterday that the AlphaServer 2100 line should
end it's (short) life by '97 in favor of the 4100 series.
Is that new sounded ? Does it implies the 2100 series only (3 PCI slots)
or the relatively new 2100A series (8 PCI slots) ?
Also, do you know if 2100 & 4100 can co-operate in Unix clusters ?
(Through the memory channel hardware).
We had based a strategy upon the 2100 since it allowed to change/upgrade
easily from a CPU to another (eg 4/200, 4/233, 4/275, 5/250, 5/300, 5/375
where supported provided you did not mix them in the same cabinet).
Is that strategy already out of date (after only 2 years :-( ?
Are 2100 CPU boards usable in a 2100 or 2100A cabinet (I fear not ...) ?
Thanks for your help, I am lacking accurate and up-to-date information
since this year DECUS Europe is held one month later !
(weather is so nice and warm in Spain ;-)
| Herve DEMARTHE %^) E-Mail: demarthe_at_alpha.cad.cea.fr |
| CEA/DSM/DRFC/STEP Tel: +33 42257527 Fax: +33 42252661 |
| CEN Cadarache Bt 506 13108 St Paul Lez Durance FRANCE |
| <<< Aprendiz de todo, Maestro de nada ... >>> |
| All opinions expressed herein are mine and not those of CEA. |
Received on Fri Sep 06 1996 - 15:22:27 NZST