digital unix 4.0 mountd returns ENOACCESS for exacly one NFS client

From: Why not ? <>
Date: Fri Sep 6 17:02:46 1996

        Hello everybody,

        I migrated to D.U. 4.0, and since then, my server refuses to serve
any mount request originating form one sunOS client. other clients with the
same version of sunOS work OK. i tried to run mountd without security
verifications and even allow non-root mount requests, but no way.
            mountd always returns errno 13 ENOPERM, permission denied
            this occurs on all file systems exported.

            Did anybody encounter this problem ?

           thank you,

! Guillaume Gerard ! Email !
! Systems responsible ! X400 C=FR AD=ATLAS PD=TELECPARIS !
! Ecole Nationale Superieure ! !
! des Telecommunications ! PSI *2080750412855::gerard !
Received on Fri Sep 06 1996 - 17:02:46 NZST

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