does anyone has a working combination popd - server popclient program
which uses only rpop (.rhost/hosts.equiv) for authentication. I had no
success with inc, popd from DEC.
I also tried popclient-3.0.tar which doesn't work in this manner, used
qpopper for the popd -- no luck up to now.
Best regards,
Rudi Gabler
!Rudolf Gabler !
!Uni.-Sternwarte Muenchen Internet: RUG_at_USM.Uni-Muenchen.DE!
!Scheinerstr. 1 Voice: +49-89-98290305 !
!81679 Muenchen FRG FAX: +49-89-92209427 !
Received on Thu Sep 12 1996 - 18:03:54 NZST