Bad reads from HD

From: <>
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 96 08:21:11 -0400

Dear managers,

        I have a backup script which runs every night. Root receives mail about
the status of the backup when it completes. Recently I started receiving the
following errors:

dump: dump: Bad read from input disk file: /dev/rrz6c, block number:
-1098041502, bytes wanted: 7168, bytes got: 0
Bad read from input disk file: /dev/rrz6c, block number: -1098041488, bytes
wanted: 1024, bytes got: 0
bread(): read(): No such file or directory
dump: More than 16 block read errors from /dev/rrz6c
dump: This is an unrecoverable error.
dump: Cannot fopen /dev/tty for reading
query(): fopen(): No such device or address
dump: Cannot remove shared memory
remove_shared_memory(): shmctl(): Invalid argument
dump: SIGTERM received -- Try rewriting
dump: Unexpected signal -- cannot recover

The "dots" above mean that the error is equivalent to the first. This past
weekend the error went away. The mail summary shows no errors. Does anyone
know why this is so? Thanks. Marco.
Received on Mon Sep 16 1996 - 14:59:19 NZST

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