I know that maybe I'm not at the right place to ask such a question, but
it's also a performance question related to DU and the hsz40.
I am wondering if I will incure a _severe_ performance penalty by mixing
oracle index and data datafile on a stripped mirrorset. Will it be better or
worst than using seperate _unmirrored_ disks to store the index and data
files ? The problem is that I only have 4 gigs drives and if I separate too
much my datafiles, that will be an horrible waste of disk space. What about
the read/write chache settings of the hsz40, does read cache wastes less
cache memory that read-write and what are their use and the benefits
associated to a particular cache scheme ?
Does anyone have any tips (performance, management) concerning Oracle
datafile placement in an HSZ40 (RAIDx, plain) environment ?
I tried to find GOOD oracle resources like the osf-alpha-manager mailing
list but could not find any on the internet. If anyone knows of a good
oracle dba mailing list with _quick_ turnaround time, please let me know.
We will enter production in a short while and I'm overwhelmed by work (like
most of you I suppose). I have to plan disk usage real soon and I don't want
to mess this up because we need the maximum performance.
Many thanks to all
Received on Tue Sep 17 1996 - 22:35:48 NZST