Interface config

From: Lubos Kejzlar <>
Date: Wed, 18 Sep 1996 10:07:37 +0200 (MET DST)

Hi all,
        we just moved some of our DEC machines from Ethernet to ATM

One of these machines (DEC AS1000) run Flexlm license manager and all
license codes are generated with our old Ethernet MAC address (which is
still in box for this purposes). It looks like the flexlm vendor daemons
needs at least the following state of ethernet interface to successfully
obtain MAC address (as host ID):

ifconfig tu0

The ifconfig command are taken from our DEC8400 after system startup (tu0
interface isn't configured).

I'm unable to duplicate this situation :-( Even after ifconfig tu0 up,
the interface is 'only' UP and not 'RUNNING'.

Could someone give me any suggestion how to setup interface to
'UP+RUNNING' state without necessarily to assign any IP address.

P.S we are running DU 3.2d on both machines.

Thank you very much in advance for any help or suggestion!

Best regards,

Lubos Kejzlar
System and Network Specialist

Laboratory for Computer Science Tel.: +42-19 2171210
University of West Bohemia +42-19 7221530
Americka 42, 30614 Pilsen Fax: +42-19 2171485
Czech Republic E-mail:
Received on Wed Sep 18 1996 - 10:39:08 NZST

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