Hi --
I had asked whether the instructions from Digital for the DU3.2C ECO
kit named OSF350-218 were correct, specifying that a new kernel be
built after /usr/sbin/automount was replaced with a patched version.
One response poured in from Knut Hellebx, Knut.Hellebo_at_nho.hydro.com:
``Replacing the automount program does NOT require a kernel rebuild.
Check that the automounter is not running before replacing it,
Indeed, I've replaced the automounter on our DU3.2C systems without
rebuilding the kernel with (as one would expect) no ill effects.
Thanks to Knut.
-- Paul A. Sand | Live free or WISH you had.
-- University of New Hampshire | (Gail L. Grant, comp.sys.ultrix)
-- pas_at_unh.edu |
-- http://pubpages.unh.edu/~pas |
Received on Tue Sep 24 1996 - 14:38:24 NZST