I am currently experiencing difficulties using DXMail under OSF 3.2C. Recipients
of my mail messages are unable to use 'reply' to successfully answer my mail
because the entry in the field that should contain my e-mail address on the
central mail server ('nmfrancis_at_dra.hmg.gb') contains my localhost name
('francis_at_mulder.dra.hmg.gb') instead.
No unix mail hub exists anywhere on the local n/w and n/w services are
unwilling, for reasons of 'n/w policy', to implement one. Thus I am unable to
use MAILSETUP to allow domain only addressing.
I would be very grateful if anyone can contact me with a solution to this
Many thanks in advance for your cooperation.
Nick Francis (nmfrancis_at_dra.hmg.gb)
Received on Thu Sep 26 1996 - 11:32:30 NZST