There were three types of solutions suggested -
1. use aliases to either /dev/null or a non-existing user
usera: /dev/null
userb: no-such-user
The first option would quietly dump mail, the second would
bounce it to sender.
2. To chmod the /usr/spool/mail/$USER to 000
3. install smrsh a restricted shell that comes with sendmail
source. Alias all users to non-user. In no-user's home dir,
create a .forward to the vacation program.
Link vacation into your smrsh bin directory. Write the vacation
message to indicate that this user (all users aliased to no-user)
does not receive mail.
And finally a kludge, which involves the use of PMDF package (which we
have on VMS) which is our mail-relay host. IN PMDF there is a SEND_ACCESS
which allows or denys email access based on rules.
Thanks to the following -
Lucio Chiappetti <lucio_at_ifctr.mi.cnr.it>
David Bremner <bremner_at_cs.mcgill.ca>
Alan Cox <coxa_at_cableol.net>
Jo Knox <fxjwk_at_aurora.alaska.edu>
"G. Del Merritt" <del_at_intranet.com>
Ken Teh <teh_at_chinook.phy.anl.gov>
Steve Gibbons <steve_at_wyrm.AZTech.Net>
pobrien_at_draco.harvard.edu (Patrick O'Brien)
rioux_at_ip6480nl.ce.utexas.edu (Tom Rioux)
My original question was
> Hi,
> I'm looking for ways and means to replicate without major
> headaches, a VMS feature -- the ability to create accounts which cannot
> receive mail. In VMS it was done through flags in SYSUAF database.
> I have looked at sendmail (8.7.6, as well as 8.8.0) operations
> guide but could not off hand see any easy solutions.
> Any advice or pointers appreciated.
> Thanks in advance,
> anil khullar
Received on Fri Oct 04 1996 - 17:21:34 NZST