SUMMARY: Memory Errors/Frozen Boot on DEC 3000

From: Kevin Reardon <>
Date: Thu, 17 Oct 1996 21:38:41 +0200

        As Neil Schellenberger <> pointed out, the
memory test was a false clue. This is caused by network traffic interfering
with the memory test, not any serious memory failure. Setting the console
variable MOP to OFF eliminates that problem. Another easy one slips by the
DEC technician. :(

        However, the machine still freezes when booting. Following the
advice of <>, I rebooted from the distribution
CD-ROM and mounted the internal disk's partitions. Running fsck did show
some errors, which I had it correct. However, the machine still won't boot.
I've looked at all the text startup files and the seem normal. I've used a
backup copy of the kernel, as well as genvmunix, all to no avail. I've
tried booting to single user mode, but it never gets that far. Even if I
comment out the initdefault line in /etc/inittab, I never even get to the
point where I'm asked to which run level I wish to boot.
        Tomorrow I'll restore the root file system from the dump tape and I
hope that should clear things up. If not, it's about time to update this
machine to 3.2 (or 4.0?). At least I'm convinced it's not the hardware!

Thanks for the help all!

kevin reardon

The original question:
> We have a DEC 3000, DU 3.0, which froze last week after the network
>was disconnected. The user cycled power and now the machine freezes partway
>through the boot process, right after outputting the line about the
>SuperLAT copyright.
> All the power-up self tests are passed successfully, including that
>for the network interface. The only odd thing is that at the console
>prompt, running TEST MEM produces an error during the LLSC test, but ONLY
>if the 10-BaseT cable is connected! Just a red herring? The full error is
>included below.
> We have had the DEC technician here several times already, he has
>tried replacing everything (the memory, the motherboard, etc. but not the
>CPU) but still the machine won't boot. Now he is completely stumped and has
>given up, leaving this poor dead machine. Any idea whether it can be
>ressurected? If not, any suggestions on how to get the data off of the
>internal disk?
Received on Thu Oct 17 1996 - 22:32:19 NZDT

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