Netscape cache and html filter

From: CEA France <Herve>
Date: Tue, 22 Oct 96 14:56:16 +0200

Hello DU managers,

2 "Web" tools related questions :

1) When first launched, Netscape generates a preferences file
named $HOME/.netscape/preferences in which the disk cache is :

Is there a mean to parameter Netscape such as to amend this
(that is, say, to set DISK_CACHE_SIZE to zero) when it generates
the file (and not afterwards) ?
We effectively noticed that those cache files used a lot of disk !

2) Is there other ways to view html files than from within a browser ?
Our purpose is to have one single file in html when we document an
application and to use this file, through an appropriate filter/viewer,
as the "man" of the application or as the text displayed automatically
when we press the "Help" button of the application.
One help button action scheme could be :
cat doc.html | the_filter | showps
where the_filter takes html as input and outputs a Postscript file

| Herve DEMARTHE %^) E-Mail: |
| CEA/DSM/DRFC/STEP Tel: +33 442257527 Fax: +33 442252661 |
| CEN Cadarache Bt 506 13108 St Paul Lez Durance FRANCE |
| <<< Aprendiz de todo, Maestro de nada ... >>> |
| All opinions expressed herein are mine and not those of CEA. |
Received on Tue Oct 22 1996 - 16:51:20 NZDT

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