Greetings Managers,
Sorry, for the belated summary. My original question was is
there a way to kill processes that get adopted by init when
one uses "kill -9" originally to kill the process.
I got 2 replies, and was too late since the process table got
full and I had to reboot the machine :(.
Thanks for the replies again
From: "Pam Woods, Systems Manager" <axsymgr_at_UAA.ALASKA.EDU>
when you kill it do you use kill -15 pid
? sometimes -9 isn't high enough,...I've found "phantoms" out there
myself and had to kill it with something a bit more drastic.
read man page to verify what I say about -15 ..I might
be misinterpreting it.
From: Gustavo Gibson da Silva <>
Have you tried kill -CHLD 1? It usually kills these proccesses..
Received on Mon Oct 28 1996 - 17:37:25 NZDT