announce: proc_info-1.1

From: Randy M. Hayman <>
Date: Mon, 28 Oct 96 11:59:58 -0900

I have modified my proc_info utility to now be able to perform resource
limit modifications on processes ([ur]limit values). The new man page
reflects these changes.

At this time, they are only modifiable to the process hard limits (M option),
or alternately the CPU, File and Core limits are modifiable to unlimited
(U option), the U option will also reset the other resource limits to the
process hard limits.

These modifications are useful for daemon or server processes unattached to
a terminal (httpd, Oracle servers, etc...), that inadvertantly inherited
wrong resource limits; and the environment is such that restarting the
application isn't possible.

The utility is available via (anonymous ftp or browser):

As always, send bugs, problems, suggestions, etc.. directly to me.

Randy M. Hayman
Received on Mon Oct 28 1996 - 22:34:54 NZDT

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