I received an answer to my problem with the 'quota' and 'vquota'
command. The answer is:
The permissions of /etc/fstab must be 744 if users can't read this file
then can't read quotas.
Thanks to Juan Carlos Hidalgo Jaramillo for cluing me in on the
problem, and thanks to the others who offered various solutions.
----- Forwarded message from ray -----
>From ray Sun Nov 3 02:12:58 1996
Subject: Quota (and vquota) commands not working
To: alpha-osf-managers_at_ornl.gov (Alpha Mailing List)
Date: Sun, 3 Nov 1996 02:12:58 -0500 (EST)
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4ME+ PL22 (25)]
I am having a problem with quotas on our systems. This must be a common
problem, since I've just searched the archives and found many QUESTIONS
about this but no answers.
I have the quota enabled for our /home volume, which appears as the
following in /etc/fstab:
home_dmn#home /home advfs rq,userquota,groupquota 2 0
If I do an 'edquota' on a user whose home directory is on /home I can
see the quota as we have it set. BUT, the user can not see their own
quotas. The 'quota' commands return
% /usr/sbin/quota
Disk quotas for user testme (uid 107): none
% /usr/sbin/vquota
Disk quotas for user testme (uid 107): none
If I try to use lots of disk space on user 'testme' I get the following
/home: write failed, user disk limit reached
/home: warning, user disk quota exceeded
So I know that the quota is being enforced, but the user has no way
to determine their disk allocation short of trying to use it all up.
The permissions on the /home/quota.user and /home/quota.group are 640:
-rw-r----- 1 root operator 32768 Oct 19 1995 quota.group
-rw-r----- 1 root operator 2097152 Nov 3 01:45 quota.user
Changing it to 644 makes no difference.
We are running DU 4.0. We have had this problem previously with
earlier versions of DU as well.
Does anyone have a solution?
Ray Lauff : ray_at_thunder.ocis.temple.edu : (215) 204-5678 : Temple University
----- End of forwarded message from ray -----
Ray Lauff : ray_at_thunder.ocis.temple.edu : (215) 204-5678 : Temple University
Received on Sun Nov 03 1996 - 20:12:31 NZDT