SUMMA: Anyone have the source for dos2unix and unix2dos??

From: Karl Marble <>
Date: Thu, 7 Nov 1996 13:32:32 -0500 (EST)

The only response I got for sources was:

which is VERY slow, and I couldn't connect to it.

A previous sysop put the binaries on our machine, but no man pages. That's
more of what I wanted was documentation.

The better solution is to do it in unix. I can't believe that I looked over
this in the first place... DUH!!!!

dos2unix: tr -d "\015\023" < inputfile > outputfile

unix2dos can be an awkscript that appends a ^M to the end of every field and
a ^Z at the end of the record (file)

Thanks to the following for their responses:

Gregory Neil Shapiro <gshapiro_at_WPI.EDU>
Peter deFriesse <>
Bryon Nicoson <>
Piotr Bienias <>
Keith MCCABE <>
John Schaeffer <>
Karl Marble
Unix Administrator & Webmaster
City of Worcester Information Services
Worcester, MA  (My 'at-work' page isn't finished yet)
Received on Thu Nov 07 1996 - 19:49:17 NZDT

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